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Rundal Siren

Rundal Siren

Are we able to use the unrestricted dungeon pass to get into Rundal's Siren Dungeon? If so, is it still limited to one person?


—Kiyoura 19:13, 16 May 2010 (UTC), #Siren Dungeon

I'd think so since Siren is Rundal Intermediate, but I'm not sure. I'll test this later this week.

Pyro - (Talk)20:06, 8 November 2011

Rundal siren with a siren pass is one person. With an unrestricted pass, it is limited to a full party.

LexisMikaya20:11, 8 November 2011

O.o .... Answering a question from a year and a half ago...

Kiyoura20:19, 8 November 2011

People still read talk pages out of curiosity.

Pyro - (Talk)20:20, 8 November 2011

yeah I know. @@ but it's a habit of mine to check the recent changes and look to see if I can answer it o-o;;

LexisMikaya20:21, 8 November 2011

lol. I remember I asked that question back when i was still getting used to the new Cash Shop items.

Kiyoura20:23, 8 November 2011