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Aloha Character Cards

Aloha Character Cards

Well, they're in the web shop at the moment, but when I click it, the description is for the normal premium card. Would it be wise to buy it? Also, the wonderland still up there, oddly enough.

Deletion17:35, 3 February 2012

No, I would not. People bought Ice Dragons via a link before the official release. they ended up wasting NX with no card to show up for it.

I would wait until an official announcement is posted.

Mikaya18:02, 3 February 2012

Uh, so there are two separate cards now...

Deletion18:39, 3 February 2012

Ehh...that's a new one. least I don't have to spring forward the extra nx for the rebirth card. awesome @@.

Mikaya18:46, 3 February 2012

I bought one about 10 pm with the pets on there. (Sadly enough I didn't read the print and it said Human RB, when I'm an elf /huge fail Q_Q) Both Silver and Brown fox are now there, and I did get the character card. So I'm pretty sure everything is okay now.

Menka22:46, 3 February 2012

Good to know it's not glitched or anything. time to look for some spending money...

Mikaya01:30, 4 February 2012

Ha ha right. It seems to understand that one is just the card, and one is the other is a package deal. I'm not sure about the ONE card, cause I got the package. It's always nice to choose the RIGHT one for testing other than choosing a human e_e;

Menka01:41, 4 February 2012

I would think it's fine now. Sorry about your mishap though ;c...I am extremely looking forward for this day...when these cards would come back...oh god I miss the aloha wear > 3< lol

Mikaya01:59, 4 February 2012

I missed them too. It's fine, it's my my fault for not reading the print. 8D; and I believe it gives the halloween skeleton?

Menka13:07, 4 February 2012

Lololol, what on earth..? Skeleton newbie cards for giants? pfft...

Deletion16:07, 4 February 2012

Does it still say Ahola or is it changed to Skeleton?

Menka16:52, 4 February 2012

It's skeleton if you bought the individual giant aloha card card it, did anyone here buy a Human Aloha card? I changed my mind and don't want the bundle @@;;

Mikaya14:38, 5 February 2012

Lol that's funny. Hopefully this will be resolved soon and the correct cards are given.

The Paladin Slayer14:49, 6 February 2012

As you know, I bought the human bundle by mistake ;w; But.. I think it works..

Menka16:54, 8 February 2012