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Problems with OX event

Problems with OX event

When I went to Channel 1 and 2 on exactly 5:00 PM EST, the fences weren't going up. What happened to it? I know all events on Channel 1 are completely broken right now, but why channel two?

Ryichi14:08, 14 October 2011

Oh! Um... Alexina.

Ryichi18:27, 16 October 2011

Maybe both channels have no events working?


Probably... Or was it an error .__.

Ryichi18:40, 16 October 2011

I just went to Ch 1 of Alexina at 6:50 PM PST, the whole event disappeared; the NPCs, the floor tiles, etc., were all gone.

I think it's an error, since that didn't happen last night.

Infodude57518:53, 18 October 2011