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Server Lags Back

Server Lags Back

is it all servers or just tarlach cause we have the mega server lags again and we've had 2+ hrs of the event fail on first question for everyone from it starting right as event started. Also Requesting this be posted on the General Mabinogi News.

Eldiablox44403:33, 15 October 2011

also we have had the mega server lags back and random times during day for a few days now

Eldiablox44403:34, 15 October 2011

It's also in Ruairi, but lets not assume in it is in Mari and Tarlach. It started at midnight PST for Ruairi. Hasn't been going on for days. Also, for Ruairi, everyone starts lagging on question #2.

Pyro - (Talk)04:08, 15 October 2011

Remove latency for mari. We are currently experiencing NONE.

The Paladin Slayer13:55, 15 October 2011

For some reason. On Mabi. Right before the 5 pm (Central, 6 pm Eastern) was about to start.Then this huge lag happened like it was going to go to maintence. I logged off but it wasn't shut down. Is this what your talking about?

Menka15:31, 15 October 2011

It seems to happen at :40 and :00 every hour.

Pyro - (Talk)15:32, 15 October 2011

I've noticed as well. I've also noticed friends list is now popping up be devoid of added friends and notes are all gone. However guild chat worked last night for approx an hour. It was 20 second laggy but it DID work.

I suppose the lagg is due to nexon working on something in the game. That or maybe AIDA from .hack is about to infect. If so we're screwed, LOL.

The Paladin Slayer19:57, 15 October 2011

That lag thing also happened in Alexina too... At the event.

Ryichi18:30, 16 October 2011

It happens everywhere, including other nexon games. Nexon's fault, not ours.