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Should be updated to include G18 completion

Your point is incoherent. There is no logic to it.

A storyline released in Generation 17 is not the storyline of Generation 18. A storyline released in Generation 17 is the storyline of Generation 17. In the same way, a storyline released in Generation 18 is the storyline of Generation 18.

That they said that there will no further generation updates (can I see the source on this?) does not change the fact that Generation 18 is referred to as Generation 18, even if it is only in the files (so far).

Even if not explicitly named such, all of the following updates (Zero, Druid, Diva, Instrument, Vate, Dressroom, Dream, Master Chef, Treasure Hunter, Smart Content) are similar to the Seasons of prior Generations and I consider them such.

Why are we even talking about this, again? We're not exactly changing something on an important page like Patches. The is only a template that Users use on their User pages to illustrate their customized characters... why exactly are you such a stickler for "official wording" on something that is little more than fan content? How can someone be so anal retentive over what should be an absolutely tiny issue?

Kave Johnson (talk)14:24, 29 September 2013