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Hello, I would just like to remind you that images on the wiki are not used for showcasing yourself, which is what it seems like if your using FOUR different wigs on your images, when that isn't really necessary. The downside to this is that it doesn't keep the images consistent, and we are usually supposed to keep it consistent. You may only use one wig that could cover up your hair if you don't want to be accused for showcasing, which as I see the Ophelia Wig really could have done on it's own, or the wig you used for the back view of Corentin's Priest Robe. Please keep this in mind next time, thanks!

♥šεεçrετ♥18:32, 12 June 2012

Is it bothering you because you lost your Portia Wig? Is it bothering anyone else? No. There's nothing wrong with it.

Calm down.

Lovely19:33, 12 June 2012

Completely unnecessary.


Lovely19:37, 12 June 2012

Please keep the equipment consistent when taking your images.

There, happy?


This has nothing to do with me losing my own stuff, that was completely rude of you to even say something like that. All I'm doing is giving you a friendly reminder on consistency o.e

♥šεεçrετ♥20:18, 12 June 2012

l o l

Lovely20:28, 12 June 2012

First of all, Lovely. I know you from Alexina and I know what dirt you have under your nails. So, don't start throwing irrelevant material (which I can find that easily offensive and completely rude in this matter) towards someone, because of what they're saying is correct and you just have a problem with them. If you want to start drama or do that type of material, then there are other ways of doing that communication, instead of bashing each other on a public site and end up getting banned for it. So, not trying to be a back-seat moderator; however, please refrain from starting drama on here. It leads nowhere, but an easy ban.

On the relevant material, she is correct. You need to use all of the same wig for each picture, because that can be considered as someone taking 3 or 4 different pictures of the item. I can understand the back; however, leave it the same on the remaining images in this picture. We're asking kindly, not trying to bash you--so please get that mindset out of your head and stop trying to cause fights. Thank you.

Dejosa20:42, 12 June 2012

I'm actually from Ruairi. Hi I'm Summers.

I'll keep that in mind next time. &Uhmmmm, my nails are clean. Never played on Alexina either, so..

Lovely07:46, 13 June 2012

Don't mind Dejosa, he sticks his nose in everyone else's business and cries when people get mad about it.

Cuore18:27, 1 July 2012

Can this stop before someone gets hurt..? :/

♥šεεçrετ♥18:48, 1 July 2012

I think this is related to off-site drama from last night. I'll handle this manner appropriately. Apologies for everyone being dragged into this.

Dejosa21:20, 1 July 2012