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Dungeon Fountains

From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from Fountains)
For the Rank B Enchant, see Fountain (Enchant).
For the old version of this feature, see Dungeon Fountains (Old).
Blue Fountain.png


  • Some Dungeons may have a Fountain, also known as a Fountain of Blessing, sitting in the middle of a room or corridor. Drinking from them has various effects.
    • All Hard Mode Dungeons on Advanced Difficulty will have a fountain.
      • Rundal Siren Hardmode Dungeon uses the same fountain rewards as Hardmode Advanced, but a fountain is not guaranteed to spawn.
  • The same Fountain can have a different effect for each person in the dungeon.
  • Each player may only drink from the same Fountain once.

Ink Fountains

  • The Ink fountains from the Ink Bottle dungeon version of Coill dungeon are unchanged from the Old fountains, and bears both their positive and negative effects.


  • Click on the Fountain of Blessing to drink from it.
    • Only one random effect will be applied.
  • The random possible effects are fixed based on Dungeon difficulty:
    • Intermediate Difficulty
      • Acquire 50% ~ 100% EXP.
    • Advanced Difficulty
      • Acquire 50% ~ 200% EXP.
    • Hard Mode Advanced Difficulty
      • Acquire 100% ~ 300% EXP.
      • Recover 1 ~ 3 Durability on one equipped item.


  • If there is no item to repair, the 100~300% EXP effect is acquired instead.
  • The EXP effect is similar to a Golden Experience Fruit.
  • Characters who are already Level 200 will receive a Holy Water Blessing for all equipped items instead of the EXP acquisition effect.
  • The following items are not included as a repairable target:
