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HP & MP 100 Potion

From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from HP/MP 100 Potion)

For a list of potions, see here.


Icon of HP/MP 100 Potion
Size: 1 x 1
Stack: 20
HP/MP 100 Potion
Effect Restores 100 HP & MP
Consumable Yes Toxicity 0.3

A Potion to recover both HP & MP. Unable for use when knocked down, or in the process of being knocked down. Excessive use may result in medicinal poisoning. It may be used from the right bottom Potion if you pressing H-key.


  • Cannot be traded.

Methods to Obtain

Obtained From

Resell Value

Synthesis (Fixed Recipe)

Name Minimum Total Materials[1] Item Rank Skill Rank
HP & MP 100 Potion x 2 HP 100 Potion ×1
MP 100 Potion ×1
Holy Water of Lymilark ×3
- D
  1. This column is for the minimum number of each material required to actually produce a complete item within the least number of attempts and not the number of materials required for a single attempt (note that some items can be completed in a single attempt and in this case, the two are the same).