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Hyperion Eclipse Full Chiton (F)

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Equipped Hyperion Eclipse Full Chiton (F) viewed from the front Equipped Hyperion Eclipse Full Chiton (F) viewed from the side Equipped Hyperion Eclipse Full Chiton (F) viewed from the back Equipped Hyperion Eclipse Full Chiton (F) viewed from an angle
Front Side Back Angled

A finely made tunic replete with the tranquil energy of the moon. It is ornamented with detailed metalwork and a full-length skirt stylized to represent lunar light.

Base Stats and Information

Icon of Hyperion Eclipse Full Chiton (F)
2 × 4
Base Stats Limitations
Defense 27 Durability 20 Human M Human F Blacksmith
90% = 4 G
93% = 17 G
95% = 26 G
96% = 31 G
97% = 35 G
98% = 44 G
100% = 89 G
Protection 19 Upgrade?100 0/0 Elf M Elf F
Magic Defense 9
NPC Value?
2,000 G
Giant M Giant F
Magic Protection 7 Worn On Body Enchant Reforge
Enchant Types?100 / Light Armor / Leather / 
Other Information
  • Part of the Hyperion Eclipse Set.
  • The colors associated with this item are:
    • Color 1: #D6D0D4 (R:214 G:208 B:212)
    • Color 2: #D6D0D4 (R:214 G:208 B:212)
    • Color 3: #99969F (R:153 G:150 B:159)
    • Color 4: #5C4692 (R:92 G:70 B:146)
    • Color 5: #99969F (R:153 G:150 B:159)
    • Color 6: #53434E (R:83 G:67 B:78)
Obtained From?100
Sold By?
  • None

Dye Details

Items can be dyed using Dye Ampoules. The colors available depend on the palette of the part to be dyed.

  Part A Part B Part C
Dyed Part Dress Sleeves Metalwork
Palette Used Cloth Cloth Cloth
  Part D Part E Part F
Dyed Part Inner robe and band Moon pieces Sash cord
Palette Used Cloth Cloth Cloth
  • The chestpiece moon glows in the dark.


  • Cannot be upgraded.