The visual effect that indicates which dungeon orb is the correct one.
A support puppet modeled after Master Rin Tohsaka who participated in the Fifth Holy Grail War. If you activate the daily and trade dialogues, Rin will talk to you when you perform daily activities or commerce, respectively. You will learn the 'Rin Strike' action upon equipping Rin, which deals heavy damage to your enemies. While activated, you can see orbs in shadow missions on your mini-map, hidden dungeon maps will be revealed, and your puppet has a chance to cast a random magic shield to protect you.
Base Stats and Information
 2 × 2 (edit)
Base Stats
These values may be inaccurate if:
- the item is received through character/pet creation or rebirth.
- Items received through character/pet creation and rebirths have an NPC Value of 0 G
(excluding weapons), making all repairs 1 G regardless of repair rate.
- There are some exceptions to this.
- the item is purchased from an NPC selling for more/less than the item's base value.
- the item is enchanted with a repair cost multiplier.
Repairs? 100
97% = 8,316 G 98% = 9,771 G 99% = 12,174 G 100% = 19,448 G
Magic Defense
Value, in Gold, this item is worth to NPCs. Does not necessarily mean it can be sold to NPCs.This value may be inaccurate if:
- the durability of the item is lower than the base maximum durability.
- the item is received through character/pet creation or rebirths.
- Items received through character/pet creation and rebirths have an NPC Value of 0 G
(excluding weapons).
- There are some exceptions to this.
- the item is purchased from an NPC selling for more/less than the item's base value.
- the item has a defined Price_Sell, but is dropped by a monster,
in which case it will sell for the Price_Buy adjusted by the NPC Value formula.
NPC Value? 100
BuyPrice: 150000 G
SellPrice: - G
Predicted SellPrice: 15,000 G 15,000 G
Magic Protection
Worn On
Types of enchants that the item qualifies for.Enchant Types?100
/ Accessory /
Other Information
- Cannot be dyed.
- Cannot be given to Partners.
- Has the following features when activated:
- Reveals Dungeon maps and enemy locations in Shadow Missions. (User Only)
- Acts as a Commerce Puppet.
- Allows usage of the Rin Strike action.
Striked out locations indicate where this item can no longer be obtained.Obtained From?100
Striked out locations indicate where this item can no longer be obtained. Key
- G = Gold
- D = Ducats
- P = Pons
- RS = Rafting Stars
- JP = Jousting Points
- DL1 = Royal Court Food Delivery List 1
- DL2 = Royal Court Food Delivery List 2
- DL3 = Royal Court Food Delivery List 3
Sold By? 100
Daily and Trade Message Quotes
The various emotions Rin makes during her messages.
- What... I haven't been able to sleep until late...
- Actually, I'm a sleepy-head.
- You don't have to tell me. I already know.
- Just to confirm, you ARE my partner, right?
- What? Do you take me for a fool?
- You're smarter than I thought. This is fun, really fun.
- This is the incarnation of the magic passed down in my family. Simply by passing magical energy through it, I can invoke any spell inscribed here.
- My policy is not to miss an opportunity when it presents itself.
- Huh? W-why are you staring straight at me?
- It's hard for me to say... Won't you sit and rest for a bit?
- I'm not lending my power to you. But as long as you don't betray me, I will help you.
- I can store up simple power, alter its flow, and convert and store magical energy in various objects.
- Um, hypothetically... How do you think someone would feel growing up after being given away for adoption without any say in the matter?
- Training to be a mage? Sorry to say, but I never found it hard. Learning new things was fun.
- At heart, I'm a hedonist. Succeeding my father is my duty, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it.
- Even the reason for my partnership with you is because you're interesting.
- Sorry. It will take a little longer...
- Anyway, we're going out today. Hurry up and get ready. Why? To have fun, of course. It's a date!
- So, where should we go first? Do you have any requests?
- I-I do... Do push-ups before bed. Something wrong with that?
- You have some sauce on your face. Shall I get that for you?
- D-don't get the wrong idea! I w-wasn't concerned about you!
- Look, if you had fun, just say so. You're being rude, after I played host all day.
- Have you ever regretted the things you've done? If I can help it, I want to avoid any regrets. That's easier said than done, though.
- H-Hey, if you go around blurting out things like that without thinking, people will get the wrong idea!
- Leaving someone like you alone worries me. So to use your words, I don't NOT like you either. So, I don't mind being with you.
- You must know what I'm thinking at a time like this.
- Today is such a nice day! Don't you want to go out?
- You're blushing, you're blushing. I love how everything shows on your face.
- Oh, ok. You realized that already, huh? But I don't think you need to worry. You're perfectly fine as you are.
- How is it? Is it good?
- Oops, maybe I took the joke too far. Sorry. I knew the reaction I'd get, so I couldn't help myself.
- You look better. Is everything okay now? That's a relief.
- There are people looking for these kinds of things.
- I-I don't need it.
- I hope we can find a village where we can sell these for a good price.
- Which village is our next destination?
- I hope it sold for a good price.
- So daring... That would be hard for me.
- You know what? Alchemy was originally an experiment to make lead into gold.
- I haven't seen this before... There are so many things in this world.
- That's a lot like the one I have!
- When things get complicated, I just want a cup of tea.
- There were a lot like these in my basement... They were no use to me, though.
- Your Tir Chonaill Merchant Rating Level is 1! Keep going!
- Your Tir Chonaill Merchant Rating Level is already 6!
- You reached Dunbarton Merchant Rating Level 4! Make a bit more effort, and you'll reach Level 5 in no time!
- You reached Dunbarton Merchant Rating Level 9! Whoa, that took a really long time to reach!
- Your Bangor Merchant Rating Level is already 5!
- You reached Bangor Merchant Rating Level 9!
- Your Emain Macha Merchant Rating Level is 1. You can do it!
- You reached Emain Macha Merchant Rating Level 8!
- You already reached Taillteann Merchant Rating Level 5! So fast!
- Your Taillteann Merchant Rating Level is 7!
- Tara Merchant Rating Level 2! Make a bit more effort, and you'll reach Level 3 in no time!
- You reached Tara Merchant Rating Level 6!
- Your Cobh Level is 3! Let's keep up the good work!
- Your Cobh Merchant Rating Level is 8!
- Your Belvast Merchant Rating Level is 4. Let's keep at it!
- You've already reached Belvast Merchant Rating Level 9!
- Let's continue!
- Whew. Ready, set, GO!
- That looks a bit heavy? What? No, it's not that fun...♪
- Which way this time?
- This ride isn't the best. But a horse-drawn carriage is fast.
- Wow. It's obvious, but elephants are huge.
- I never knew I could ride the elephants I saw in the zoo.
Nearby Bandits
- It hasn't begun yet. But better to be safe than sorry.
- The Command Spell... Someone is watching us for sure.
- Be quiet. We'll be found.
Losing Bandits
- Whew. I think we dodged a bullet there. We can relax for a bit.
- Whew. I was a bit nervous there. I'm fine now. Let's keep going!
- I think the bandits are gone. Shall we continue?
- I won't interfere! Show us your power right here!
- Relax. I won't say the impossible. Leave it to me.
- Oh no. To Magi these days, self-defense is also a must!
- Bandits are going for the trade goods! They're gonna be hard to face.
- Leave them to me! You go protect the trade goods!
- I'm sorry, but I'm taking over this place. If you keep bumbling around like today, I don't think my nerves can take it!
- If you don't like pain, stand still! I'll finish you off quickly. A vital strike will kill you instantly!
- Quit running around! I'm getting worked up because my target won't stand still!
Post Ambush (Repelled)
- You're really cold-hearted. I'm surprised.
- You're really something. I'm having second thoughts.
- It's obvious for Rin Tohsaka.
Post Ambush (Robbed)
was taken... Rin, this is your fault...
was taken... I can't go home empty-handed. I must make amends.
was taken... But I won't give up. And I won't accept apologies even after you defeat the bandits and bring back our stuff!
- Hey! How dare you lay a finger on those trade goods!
- I did it again. Oh well.
- You are such an idiot.