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Talk:Herb Patch

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Images115:41, 22 August 2013
Merge/Delete019:13, 10 August 2013

I may be very late on asking, but how to you upload pictures? Also how have people been taking pictures of a single Enemy/NPC without having their character in it? I read the Image Policy but don't recall seeing anything specifically on making the images themselves.

Willi096 (talk)15:27, 22 August 2013

Not exactly what you're asking for, but good starting points.

To get images without your chars in them, you can just crop your char out, or use "Screenshot Mode" in Mabi (click the celtic knot menu icon -> screenshot mode) and move your char out of the screen and take your image.



Herbalism explains Herb Patches, I think this page should be merged or deleted, but don't really know how to tag it for such. (Though I might figure it out in a second)

Willi096 (talk)19:13, 10 August 2013