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Just wondering

Just wondering

The G15 Teaser Video calls it The First Contract. So whats it suppose to officially be called?? o:<

Fishstickys13:57, 15 July 2011

I think we should leave it as it is until it comes to NA (in two months from Korea's release according to the last livechat). I've heard it be called First Trade, Merchant of Velvas, First Contract, and Merchant of Venice. It does get a bit confusing.

Pyro - (Talk)14:11, 15 July 2011

Confusing but i think i follow

Fishstickys14:58, 15 July 2011

When was it released in Korea?

Onionsong01:03, 30 August 2011

It's supposed to say in the Patches page, however someone didn't update it for Korean's timeline, so its incorrect.

I think it was released somewhere in July, August?

Infodude57501:12, 30 August 2011

NA's G15 login title calls it "The First Contract". (In case any of you were wondering, KR test has the files of all the login titles of all servers).

kaede-kit (Talk)16:08, 30 August 2011

There's already spoilers and ending on youtube anyhow.

Contract is the correct term once you know the story.

Dra6o0n22:31, 2 September 2011

Back in July it was iffy, not now in August and September, I don't see why this is still being discussed...

Pyro - (Talk)22:53, 2 September 2011

So, how long until we can get a guide going for this?

Thundercross14:11, 12 September 2011

Until someone who plays on the Korean server writes it or it reaches NA and we write it.

Pyro - (Talk)15:10, 12 September 2011