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Meditation affecting Durability

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Meditation
Edited by author.
Last edit: 22:25, 27 April 2013

why would it...*goes to test* my wand is unblessed during all of this testing...

Here you go. It is slightly different on a single charge.

Ice bolt (1 charge):

  • Medi off: 5.524 - 5.519 = .005
  • Medi On: 5.519 - 5.510 = .009

Firebolt (1 charge)

  • Medi off: 5.510 - 5.501 = .009
  • Medi on: 5.501 - 5.490 = .011

I'd say from all of this it's an approximate 120% increase or so...not something ludicrous as that 1.75x we had on the wiki at one point. But VIP dura loss is in effect could be more or less.

☽S☆A☆R☆I☆A☾ (talk)22:17, 27 April 2013

Because nothing is ever simple with Nexon/devCat.