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Engineering, Magic Craft, & Dual Gun

I'm not sure how the AP to Stat ratio or w/e works, nor whats the color code we should use for Dual Gun.

Infodude575 (talk)23:41, 13 August 2013

Stat / AP = Stat:AP ratio.

As for color, the skill page lists three colors. Turquoise, purple, and pink. If you're create, make it a gradient lul. Other than that, I guess just choose one of the three. IMO, purple reps it the best, considering that's the only color that's not similar to any that are being used. (pink, kinda close to combat; turquoise seems close to magic).

Oh right, music has purple. Yeah. Kinda screwed there.


Just use a placeholder color for now. And as Kevin said, divide the total stat gain by the total AP used to get the efficiency.

Pyro - (Talk)00:33, 14 August 2013