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A ton of glitches..

A ton of glitches..

Okay. First off. The pet summoning glitch is back. If you summon a pet, it doesn't return. If you summon more and desummon it, it causes you to crash. 2.The character is NOT saving, in the last 15 minutes, anyone who did anything will get "rolled back" to what they did in the last 15-20 minutes. That's it so far. Btw this is Mari server. What the heck is going on DX

Menka20:37, 11 September 2011

Yeah, it's been happening a lot to Mari and Alexina server.


The pet desummoning isn't a glitch.

It's lack of data being saved when it desummons. Meaning it never properly logged out. So it stays there visually to you.

Aubog00720:54, 11 September 2011