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Adding Scripts

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Wiki Home

I view it like poetry. Ehehe. Some dialogue has a different effect with and without breaks.
Also, in the dialogue boxes, there's a lot of space. Lines don't need to be that short given how long the boxes are (and there are even some really long lines sometimes) but Nexon breaks those lines anyway for some reason. I understand the limited space in item descriptions, but the case with dialogues is different. Sometimes you can see where line breaks are in item descriptions, but you can't tell what's done on purpose or not with dialogue. (Given the amount of space and the presence of some really long lines that use the whole box width on occasion, it seems like almost all breaks are done on purpose, but I don't know.)
Eh. I like recordings that are truer to what's in-game, but I see your point with how it might be bothersome to read on here. Not sure what to do.
About categorization, I was thinking about linking to a script on the bottom of the respective generation's page or something and including the whole script there. Not really sure.

Maxwell17:45, 21 June 2012