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Adding Scripts

Adding Scripts

Hi, I've been recording scripts and such from the game independently, but I think I'd like to contribute to the wiki by adding them here. This will be my first time contributing to the wiki. I have a question: Is there a place to put NPC scripts on here? I know there is a kind of keyword log that I've seen where you can add what certain NPCs say to certain keywords, but I'd like to know about scripts of what NPCs say when you complete a part of a quest. For example, if a quest says to go speak to Duncan, is there a place here that keeps a record of what Duncan says when you speak to him during that quest?

Maxwell05:32, 8 June 2012

We currently don't have a place to put NPC dialogue scripts. If there is a demand for them, I wouldn't mind it being added to the wiki.

Angevon (Talk)09:57, 8 June 2012

I'm not sure about how high of a demand there would be for such recordings, but I would like to share my work and I don't know where else to put it but on the Mabi wiki. Plus, I can't possibly record everything there is by myself, so having a kind of dialogue page that various people can add to versus just me going out and collecting everything independently would be nice... On another note, I am quite nitpicky, and I would like to revise some recordings of books and such on here and make things like spacing and formatting closer to what it's actually like in-game. Would it be alright if I edit for things like that?

Maxwell15:08, 8 June 2012

Sorry, I didn't see your reply until now. A lot of people have said they'd be interested in seeing the scripts on the wiki. So now the question is how to organize and categorize them. The parent category could be Category:NPC Dialouges or Category:NPC Scripts or something like that. Do you have an example of one of the dialogues you've recorded already that you could maybe put under your userpage at someplace like User:Maxwell/Sandbox? (hopefully you have enough edits to make a subpage).

Angevon (Talk)18:39, 16 June 2012

Yes, I'll try to put up a random recording I have to test it out. I formatted my recordings in a way so that you can tell what part of the dialogue is separated by pressing the "Continue" button, though. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, but it's definitely more accurate.

Maxwell02:00, 21 June 2012

o-o actually I think this is a very good idea. we could use it to keep notes about the generations quests and what not and also not have replay the whole quest again X_X.

Just a heads up, this is a lot of information to keep track of, but it looks like you have a system in place though.

S•A•R•I•A02:10, 21 June 2012

I don't know about the line breaks. They are there in-game because of spatial limitations, and the text does need to be spaced out some way so that it isn't a wall of text, but it's bothersome to see sentences split up with forced line breaks. It's just not natural for the eyes to read.

How would you like to categorize the scripts? Maybe one page per quest, then split further as needed if a quest has many parts?

Angevon (Talk)17:29, 21 June 2012

I view it like poetry. Ehehe. Some dialogue has a different effect with and without breaks.
Also, in the dialogue boxes, there's a lot of space. Lines don't need to be that short given how long the boxes are (and there are even some really long lines sometimes) but Nexon breaks those lines anyway for some reason. I understand the limited space in item descriptions, but the case with dialogues is different. Sometimes you can see where line breaks are in item descriptions, but you can't tell what's done on purpose or not with dialogue. (Given the amount of space and the presence of some really long lines that use the whole box width on occasion, it seems like almost all breaks are done on purpose, but I don't know.)
Eh. I like recordings that are truer to what's in-game, but I see your point with how it might be bothersome to read on here. Not sure what to do.
About categorization, I was thinking about linking to a script on the bottom of the respective generation's page or something and including the whole script there. Not really sure.

Maxwell17:45, 21 June 2012

Oh Nexon, you and your deliberate use of line breaks:
Was surprised to find this, actually. Kind of.

Maxwell02:41, 26 June 2012

My first reaction: DevCAT doesn't use whitespaces! 8D

Pyro - (Talk)14:18, 26 June 2012