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Ducat-Purchased Weapons

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Wiki Home

Aren't Fomors called Demons on KR?

I shall assume it shall be called Fomor Highlander Claymore and etc.

Aubog00704:38, 11 September 2011

What I've heard is that they go by the word Fomor and Demon in Korea, however Demon is not correct for NA, at least...

Pyro - (Talk)10:12, 11 September 2011

Now I hear if you log off you can get banned. :l Really. I dont think it's true but I dont wanna risk my chances Dx

Menka20:26, 13 September 2011

o_O does that relate to this topic?


No... Probably just really wanted to complain.

Pyro - (Talk)20:50, 13 September 2011

Oh sorry! XD I posted this on the wrong one! >_<

Menka19:13, 14 September 2011

i think we should leave it alone for the most part. only have differnt pages IF the stats are different like the claymore and highlander have different atk/crit/bal and a few others.

if the stats are the same, then just add a new box under price for ducat

Dragoncide12:04, 29 September 2011

If the stats were the same, it'd be pointless to even have them in the game... There are more differences. And I don't see why people keep bringing up the Highland Claymore. They don't even have the same description or icon, they're not the same at all.

Pyro - (Talk)13:35, 29 September 2011