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Hebona Robes

Hebona Robes

During the recent hacks, I heard people lost hebona robes, even those who weren't pulled into the camp in Alexina server. This applied to a friend that didn't log in for a while and a friend that got it from Alby HM adv. Can anyone confirm this? There's a theory that the hackers deleted the item code itself.

Ironwoman아롱우먼14:28, 5 January 2012

Same here on Mari. Everyone's saying Nexon deleted the Nuadha and Hebona robes. Don't know why or have heard of an idea other than that one here on why they are gone.

Menka16:58, 5 January 2012

Not to sound rude, but those idiots need to stop victimizing themselves and accusing Nexon, they did nothing wrong. They're working on restoring the Hebonas and Nuadhas, but it'll take some time. To better help yourself, send in a ticket.

Pyro - (Talk)17:05, 5 January 2012

Also helps if you have proof (such as a picture or something, with in-game name). I don't think they will restore just because you sent a ticket.

Mikaya18:29, 5 January 2012

They are only going to restore ones legitimately obtained. Duped ones, ones with the same code, will not be returned at all.

The Paladin Slayer18:28, 10 January 2012