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Players Reporting a Massive Ban?

Players Reporting a Massive Ban?

Apparently people are getting reason why as of yet. I have 2 alts that are banned lol...I never got on them since about a year ago. Anyone might have a clue what's going on?

So far the only reason I can think of is people are suspected of malicious activity, but it wouldn't be the case since 2 alts I have is well...banned for some reason.

LexisMikaya21:46, 25 August 2011

I didn't bother to check my if my alts are or anything, but I run Team Mari and that's got around 400 members, and I know at least 100 of them are saying they're banned.

Oddisy21:49, 25 August 2011

But it's really akward that suddenly the player base just started to report "banning incidents." it sound more like accidents to me.

LexisMikaya21:52, 25 August 2011

Well, today, a guildie says her main got banned, she didn't mod, she didn't dupe etc. What's most likely happening?

Menka10:28, 4 September 2011

Something similar happened not too long ago (a week or two I think?)and it turned out to be a server error. Some players found repeatedly trying to log in fixed it and they got in game. It could be (though unlikely) if they received a temp suspension or anything in the past with the new server upgrade and everything maybe it's recycling those suspensions? Just a theory.

Miyani12:14, 4 September 2011

Well, my guild leader, says the error, could be of alot of people logging in at once. But maybe with the upgrade of the new server. Just another thought.

Menka14:27, 4 September 2011

The accounts banned were temp-banned with a time of 190 hours or somewhere around that correct? That's what I gathered from the forums anyway.

The Paladin Slayer17:16, 16 September 2011