Main items
 Eweca, Ladeca, and Palala Spell Book (Enchant: -/Abysmal)
 Astro Spell Book
 Sera's Armor
 Sera's Armor preview
 Special Constellation Guardian Suit (M)
 Special Constellation Guardian Suit (M) preview
 Special Constellation Guardian Dress (F)
 Special Constellation Guardian Dress (F) preview
 Constellation Guardian Suit (M)
 Constellation Guardian Suit (M) preview
 Constellation Guardian Dress (F)
 Constellation Guardian Dress (F) preview
 Special Solaris Wear (M)
 Special Solaris Wear (M) preview
 Special Solaris Dress (F)
 Special Solaris Dress (F) preview
 Solaris Wear (M)
 Solaris Wear (M) preview
 Solaris Dress (F)
 Solaris Dress (F) preview
 Broken Horn Hunter Armor
 Broken Horn Hunter Armor (For Giants)
 Mystical Stellar Wear (M)
 Mystical Stellar Dress (F)
 Astrologer Outfit (M)
 Astrologer Outfit (F)
 Sera's Wig
 Sera's Wig preview
 Constellation Guardian Wig (M)
 Constellation Guardian Wig (M) preview
 Constellation Guardian Wig (F)
 Constellation Guardian Wig (F) preview
 Constellation Guardian Wig and Hairpiece (M)
 Constellation Guardian Wig and Hairpiece (M) preview
 Constellation Guardian Wig and Hairpiece (F)
 Constellation Guardian Wig and Hairpiece (F) preview
 Solaris Wig (M)
 Solaris Wig (M) preview
 Solaris Wig (F)
 Solaris Wig (F) preview
 Solaris Wig and Hairpiece (M)
 Solaris Wig and Hairpiece (M) preview
 Solaris Wig and Hairpiece (F)
 Solaris Wig and Hairpiece (F) preview
 Broken Horn Hunter Helmet
 Sera's Gloves
 Sera's Gloves preview
 Constellation Guardian Hand Ornament (M)
 Constellation Guardian Hand Ornament (M) preview
 Constellation Guardian Hand Ornament (F)
 Constellation Guardian Hand Ornament (F) preview
 Astrologer Gloves (F)
 Stellar Bracelet (F)
 Stellar Ring (M)
 Broken Horn Hunter Gloves
 Broken Horn Hunter Gloves (For Giants)
 Sera's Greaves
 Sera's Greaves preview
 Constellation Guardian Boots (M)
 Constellation Guardian Boots (M) preview
 Constellation Guardian High Heels (F)
 Constellation Guardian High Heels (F) preview
 Solaris Boots (M)
 Solaris Boots (M) preview
 Solaris High Heels (F)
 Solaris High Heels (F) preview
 Astrologer Long Boots (M)
 Astrologer Ankle Boots (F)
 Broken Horn Hunter Sandals
 Stellar Shoes (F)
 Stellar Boots (M)
Robes & Wings
 Libra Guardian Wings
 Libra Guardian Wings preview
 Aquarius Guardian Wings
 Aquarius Guardian Wings preview
 Gemini Guardian Wings
 Gemini Guardian Wings preview
 Scorpio Guardian Wings
 Scorpio Guardian Wings preview
 Leo Guardian Wings
 Leo Guardian Wings preview
 Luminous Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Luminous Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) preview
 Sparkling Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Sparkling Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) preview
 Glorious Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Glorious Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) preview
 Brilliant Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Brilliant Solaris Ornament Wings (Enchantable) preview
 Morning Solaris Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Morning Solaris Wings (Enchantable) preview
 Noon Solaris Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Noon Solaris Wings (Enchantable) preview
 Afternoon Solaris Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Afternoon Solaris Wings (Enchantable) preview
 Midday Solaris Wings (Enchantable) (Animated)
 Midday Solaris Wings (Enchantable) preview
Falias Treasures
 Uaithne (Quality: Rank-Exquisite)
 Goblet of Truth (Quality: Rank-Exquisite)
 Wave Sweeper (Quality: Rank-Exquisite)
 Sun Throne
 Sun Throne preview
 Sun Podium
 Sun Podium preview
 Sun Stairs
 Sun Stairs preview
Dye Ampoules
 Piran Fixed Dye Ampoule Set #717A0E #7C2004 #E0931C #B97437 #200C06
 Marleid Fixed Dye Ampoule Set #EAEDF2 #347B8F #790B0B #86879D #191919
 Vayne Fixed Dye Ampoule Set #3A3333 #981010 #C99150 #171426 #191919
 Cethlenn Fixed Dye Ampoule Set #1E1E1E #8751B0 #B4B4B4 #817A72 #6C46B3
Homestead Items
 Homestead Sun Throne
 Homestead Sun Throne preview
 Homestead Sun Podium
 Homestead Sun Podium preview
 Homestead Sun Stairs
 Homestead Sun Stairs preview
 Combat 4x EXP Potion (30 min)
 Crusader 2x EXP Potion (30 min) (Quantity: 5)
Training Potions
 Synthesis Training Potion
 Mana Crystallization Training Potion
 Metal Conversion Training Potion
 Heat Buster Training Potion
 Enchant Training Potion
 Fragmentation Training Potion
 Icebolt Training Potion
 Firebolt Training Potion
 Lightning Bolt Training Potion
 Fireball Training Potion
 Thunder Training Potion
 Ice Spear Training Potion
 Fire Mastery Training Potion
 Ice Mastery Training Potion
 Lightning Mastery Training Potion
 Combo: Counter Punch Skill Training Potion
 Potion Making Training Potion
 Hydra Transmutation Training Potion
 Lance Charge Training Potion
 Evasion Training Potion
Appearance Scrolls
 Sagittarius Bow Appearance Scroll
 Sagittarius Bow Appearance Scroll preview
 Astronomy Staff Appearance Scroll
 Astronomy Staff Appearance Scroll preview
 Zodiac Warrior Axe Appearance Scroll
 Zodiac Warrior Axe Appearance Scroll preview
 Sun Gem Wand Appearance Scroll
 Sun Gem Wand Appearance Scroll preview
 Solaris Staff Appearance Scroll
 Solaris Staff Appearance Scroll preview
Transformation Medals
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Fodla)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal NPC Fodla preview
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Deirbhile)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal NPC Deirbhile preview
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Sera)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal NPC Sera preview
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Black Moon Cromm Cruaich)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal NPC Black Moon Cromm Cruaich preview
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Incubus King)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal NPC Incubus King preview
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Mokkurkalfi)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal NPC Mokkurkalfi preview
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Morfydrianas)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Murielle)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Bhatair)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Talek)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Coral Golem)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Proficient Far Darrig)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Pathfinding Far Darrig)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Courageous Far Darrig)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Blackened Darrig) (Incorrectly listed as "Blackened Far Darrig")
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Barrier Guardian Spirit)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Kraken Rex)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Kraken Leg)
 Shamala's Transformation Medal (NPC: Manannan's Servant)
 Lorna's Goldbox
 Pan's Goldbox
 Lorna's Special Gold Coin Box
 Pan's Special Gold Coin Box
 Blue Upgrade Stone (Quantity: 5)
 Red Upgrade Stone (Quantity: 5)
 Regular Gem Powder Upgrade Coupon (Quantity: 5)
 Pan's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
 Lorna's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
 Fine Echostone Awakening Stimulant Upgrade Coupon
 Regular Gem Powder (Quantity: 30)
 Fine Gem Powder (Quantity: 3)
 Platinum Hammer of Durability
 Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
 Crystal Hammer of Durability (Fully-Tradable variant)
 Commerce Reforging Tool
 Spell Book Repair Quill
 Lucky Red Upgrade Stone
 Lucky Blue Upgrade Stone
 Brass Grandmaster Certificate
 Talent Reset Capsule
 Eweca Chat Bubble Sticker
 Ladeca Chat Bubble Sticker
 Partner Likeability Increase Candy (30) (Quantity: 5)
 Partner Stress Relief Candy (100) (Quantity: 5)
 Baltane Elite Mission Pass Selection Box (Box) (10-stack, Trade-Limit-1 variant)
 Talvish Speech Bubble Sticker
 Avelin Speech Bubble Sticker
 Altam Speech Bubble Sticker
 Pihne Speech Bubble Sticker
 Caswyn Speech Bubble Sticker
 Llywelyn Speech Bubble Sticker