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Talk:Advancement Test Hall

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Older discussions have been archived. ---Angevon (Talk) 14:13, 4 April 2011 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Stats during exam200:50, 26 April 2022
Something's Wron gwith the Healing Dan 3 Test013:21, 15 September 2017
Exams below dan rank?203:10, 7 January 2014
Alexina Server013:44, 23 June 2012
Point loss upon death023:15, 5 March 2012
Firebolt Dan Ranking416:03, 4 April 2011

Stats during exam

Has anyone figured out how the game calculates your stats during the exam?

I've been collecting a bit of data. Here's a few guesses, but I don't yet have enough data to claim I've proved anything. Treat them as suspicions for further research rather than beliefs.

STR, INT, DEX, Will and Luck always seem to have numbers of 1000 or higher, and on several occasions at least one has been exactly 1000. I suspect they're being calculated as a base number of 1000, with extras added based on some properties of the character. Luck has always been exactly 1000 for me.

I suspect active talent has some sort of effect. In the Dan test I seem to get higher DEX with the Archery talent active, higher STR with the Close Combat talent active and higher INT with the Magic talent active. I noticed this when my Giant was having more success with Thunder Dan tests than my Human. Outside tests, my Human has more INT than my Giant. But my giant had Magic as the active talent and had 1345 INT during the dan test, where my human had close combat as the active talent and only got the base 1000 INT for the dan test.

Unfortunately, I didn't record what the active Grandmaster status was when that happened, so not sure if that also had an effect. However, I've had a run with Grandmaster merchant as active GM. That normally gets a talent bonus of 40 Luck, but in the Dan test Luck was still at the base figure of 1000. So maybe active grandmaster has no effect, or maybe Luck just always stays at 1000 for Dan tests. Since in most (all?) dan tests the monsters don't drop anything but potions, it's possible the developers just decided Luck was irrelevant.

Librarian (talk)18:48, 24 April 2022

I would imagine the stats probably mostly come from the various Skills you're allowed to use in the missions, i.e. having Rank 1 of an allowed skill means you also get Rank 1 Stat bonuses from that skill.

Lint (talk)01:02, 25 April 2022

Thanks Lint. That checks out for a run I just did for D2 Ranged Attack on my human. For STR, INT, DEX, Will and Luck, the stats are always 1000 + whatever the loadings are for the skills that appear in the Stats dialog within the mission. For a human with all the relevant skills at R1 (or dans) this gives:

  • STR 1078
  • INT 1000
  • DEX 1183
  • Will 1114
  • Luck 1000

I retract my suspicion that active talent has some effect.

Librarian (talk)00:50, 26 April 2022

Something's Wron gwith the Healing Dan 3 Test

The first times I did the test, the bear always did about 70% damage to the chick on a 3 hitter melee. Which means 80% HP was the ideal rate.

Now after a few weeks attempts, the bear now normally do from 80 to 90% damage on the three hitter. They're not even criticals. I don't think the bear CAN do criticals.

What just happened? Did they ninjapatch this to make it harder or something? Because it's hard enough as it is already.

TNinja (talk)13:21, 15 September 2017

Exams below dan rank?

The page says "Passing an exam below your Dan rank awards 50% EXP of an equal-ranked exam. (only applies if your skill rank is Dan 1 or higher) "

How do you go about entering a dan test below your level? (I can't find anyone else with a dan rank equal to mine)

Edetha (talk)09:52, 26 December 2013

If there are others registered for the same skill but higher rank, and there aren't enough people, the server will try to get people from lower divisions to join automatically. You will be prompted if you wish to join.

Ikkisuki (talk)16:03, 26 December 2013

any time there aren't enough people at your rank when tests are about to start, and there's a lower test available, you get a yes/no prompt offering you a spot in that test. If you want to do it, you need to click yes before the test actually starts , IIRC you have 10 seconds.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)03:10, 7 January 2014

Alexina Server

Is it still hosted on Channel 5?

Infodude57513:44, 23 June 2012

Point loss upon death

It appears to be about 10% of your current points at Dan 1, at least when I took Combat Mastery and Firebolt. Can I get a confirm/deny from others, please?

Koakuma23:15, 5 March 2012

Firebolt Dan Ranking

Does anyone know how much AP it takes to rank up the Dans? (Firebolt specifically.) If you know any, I suggest working on a table to put on the page that explains the amount of AP required.

Pyro02:31, 4 April 2011

Lol....0 ap. It's just a special title added to the front of the master title. It doesn't give any increase in dmg or stats therefore it takes no ap.--DANTE20XX 11:17, 4 April 2011 (UTC)

DANTE20XX04:17, 4 April 2011

Uh, they do take AP. 7 for 1st, 10 for next, 15 for the last.

Angevon (Talk)07:09, 4 April 2011

Is it tested to prove that all skills require the same amount? If so, then we should include this into the page. I am sure others have had this question before and will have it later on.

Pyro13:14, 4 April 2011

JP wiki says it's the same for all.

Angevon (Talk)16:03, 4 April 2011