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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Occupation?1604:03, 18 July 2011
Insanity Image421:22, 5 June 2011


Hm... What should it be? "Obsessed with Juliet" was the only thing I could think of, but it sounds... wrong.

Infodude57501:43, 17 July 2011

How about Juliet's Fiance?

Pyro - (Talk)01:51, 17 July 2011

I... don't think so. Juliet refused him, so...

Then again, I don't really know much about the term "Fiance"...

Infodude57502:13, 17 July 2011

Wouldn't arranged marriages, regardless of the individual's preferences, still be considered a marriage? And since a marriage is planned for the two of them, they are still fiances. (Regardless of her being married to Romeo.)

Pyro - (Talk)02:54, 17 July 2011

I'm still not sure... I hope an expert comes soon.

Infodude57503:08, 17 July 2011

Wouldn't Aristocrat fit? Since that is what he is technically...

TwiliTerror06:22, 17 July 2011

Yea, that seems more accurate. I second that.

Pyro - (Talk)13:19, 17 July 2011

Hm, what's an aristocrat?

Infodude57516:51, 17 July 2011

An aristocrat is a member of an aristocracy, a form of government in which a few of the most prominent citizens rule.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)17:04, 17 July 2011

Example please.

Infodude57518:17, 17 July 2011

A duke or earl and their relatives would considered aristocracy.

Angevon (Talk)18:38, 17 July 2011

So, that means Mercutio and Escalus are also Aristocrats, huh?

Infodude57518:49, 17 July 2011

I don't even see how being a friend could count as an occupation. :C

κєνıи тαıĸ«)19:02, 17 July 2011

What do you mean?

If you read the original story, you'd know that these three people are relatives.

EDIT: Never mind, misinterpreted that.

Infodude57520:11, 17 July 2011

What there is in the original story is irrelevant. There's nothing to suggest they are related in Mabinogi. As I am sure you know, it's not accurate to the real story.

Pyro - (Talk)20:22, 17 July 2011

I'm just saying. Some of the NPCs use "friend of dadada" or "dadada's friend" as their occupation.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)20:25, 17 July 2011

I put that there. I apologize, but either I don't know what specific role they play or they're just merely a friend (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern for example).

Infodude57504:02, 18 July 2011

Insanity Image

Clearly in Act 5 Scene 2, Paris has gone "Mad". Does anyone have an image of it? I can't find a hint of it in the files...

Infodude57515:14, 5 June 2011

I have a cropped picture of him from one of the cutscene dialogs

Kiyoura20:08, 5 June 2011

You're not looking hard enough. labelled as "crazyparis" in npc folder.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)20:35, 5 June 2011

Damn... In any case, I'll just add it to the page.

Infodude57521:22, 5 June 2011