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How to track the liar

How to track the liar

4 tries and only got 1 on the second try. everything else failed. I found it's near damn impossible atm LOL. I think the clues be noted somewhere and maybe have it in a spoiler box? I haven't a single pattern yet from 4 tries.

lol too excited for convention this week, can't sleep LOL

It took me two tries. owo

Kiyoura (talk)01:04, 4 June 2014
Edited by author.
Last edit: 13:40, 4 June 2014

I think I found the pattern. I was reading what they were all saying, and it seemed like those that weren't lying were covering for the rest. Lucas would say "I'm exhausted from opening shop at 4am." Padan would say "Lucas must be getting his time mixed up between 6pm and 4am." So Padan covered lucas. the only one that wasn't covering or being covered for or by someone else was Shayla for me. :D

EDIT: I will test this theory now with a friend.

Limbones (talk)01:09, 4 June 2014

Then I must be sleep deprived LOL...

XD Well I got some pictures for the hat, don't really know how to go about posting them on the page itself though.

Limbones (talk)01:26, 4 June 2014

Apparently on my 5th try, I got a blatantly obvious one...and it's not on my main. y u do dis 2 meh nexon? qq

Also, all the lies/truths are based on stuff in-game (either through in-game dialogue conversations/books/stuff NPC sells). How the hell was I suppose to know all those minuscule details LOL...

  • Shayla: Going to Simon in Dunbarton to fix her clothes.
  • Andras: Gbout going to Ciar Dungeon and getting a pass from Ranald.
  • Duncan: Ranald having short hair.
  • Padan: Duncan having poor eyesight.
  • Edern: Gilmore and Edern going to Dunbarton, with Gilmore spotting bandits along the way.
  • Walter: Shayla getting Simon and Eluned mixed up.
  • Lucas: Going to Cadoc to get fish to open a fish shop.

Edern lied. (Ty Kiyoura)

Assuming the NPCs all have the same dialogue in a sequence, wouldn't it be better to point out what everyone says?

Infodude575 (talk)01:12, 4 June 2014

3rd time around (multiple characters) I seemed to notice the liars are always in the same positions while everyone else changes. For example what i got is that Andras is always at the far right (Facing the liars) (found 4 times), Walter is about 3rd from the right (found 3 times), and Lucas is about 3rd from the right (found 4 times), i can't confirm the rest, either found them twice or i didn't take notice. And when they are no the liar they are never(?) in that position.

Probably not important but makes it faster when you have several characters.

Criserian (talk)04:14, 7 June 2014

I mapped them out. Left to Right.

  • Padan
  • None
  • Shayla
  • None
  • Lucas, Edern, Walter
  • Duncan
  • Andras
Meru (talk)04:59, 8 June 2014