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Aton Cimeni's Treasure

Aton Cimeni's Treasure

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What name were these artifacts referred to as in Chapter 3? I do not remember and want to create a page on them. At the moment we know three of the twelve, the Heart of Courcle, the Caliburn, and Bella.

Pyro - (Talk)12:22, 4 June 2012

Where exactly in C3 did that image pop up? Also, which two are the heart of courcle and caliburn?

Yinato18:10, 6 June 2012

The Heart of Courcle is the one shaped like the Heart of Courcle?... And the Caliburn is the diamond-shaped parallelogram next to it, the one you see throughout G11. (Also, this in G11, I forgot where. You can redo to go see. These images are also in the pack files.)

Pyro - (Talk)18:18, 6 June 2012

All of my characters (that aren't locked) are done G11, so I'm not going to redo that entire generation just for that image. >_>

Anyway, this page[1] shows some of the icons as well. I don't know if you've already looked at them or not.

Yinato18:24, 6 June 2012

I think its better if you search up youtube, Yinato, rather than redoing it all.

Infodude57518:31, 6 June 2012
(Also, this in G11, I forgot where. You can redo to go see. These images are also in the pack files.)


Pyrus said "redo to go see", not "go look at videos of a walkthrough."

Yinato18:34, 6 June 2012

Redo, look at screenshots, look at videos, you know what I meant. =P

Pyro - (Talk)18:35, 6 June 2012

>_> Actually no, I thought you meant redo it (hence my comment afterwards XD)

Yinato18:38, 6 June 2012

thank you o3o

Yinato03:48, 7 June 2012

I just happen to be doing it on my brother's alchemist since mine bit the dust...when I saw the name, I was like "I've seen that name before..." so I screen capped it for later and searched talked pages...this one came up lol.

S•A•R•I•A03:50, 7 June 2012

Ah, I see. Well thanks for the exact SM that this comes up in XD.

Yinato03:56, 7 June 2012

You're welcome~*

On a sidenote, that first picture Pyrus's the many forms of Caliburn itself.

S•A•R•I•A04:06, 7 June 2012

Wait? So the Heart of Courcle was originally the Caliburn?... I was under the impression the Caliburn consumed the Heart of Courcle.

Pyro - (Talk)11:03, 7 June 2012

Caliburn kinda took the heart as a new home since its altar was missing o-o of G10, Caliburn was infusing itself with the heart, in where G11, the heart itself is Caliburn

S•A•R•I•A14:35, 7 June 2012

So how does that make the first image the many forms of the Caliburn?

Pyro - (Talk)15:32, 7 June 2012

That's just an assumption. If you notice the picture, the heart of Courcle and the Caliburn are both glowing. It's more likely it's highlighting the two rather than representing forms.

Pyro - (Talk)15:40, 7 June 2012

It's probably glowing due to the fact it is the most recent forms. That image comes up the moment the text shown comes up.

S•A•R•I•A15:49, 7 June 2012

Well, we can leave the picture out, the point is, should we make a page explaining the Caliburn, Heart of Courcle, Lia Fáil, and Bella?

Pyro - (Talk)15:52, 7 June 2012

I think we should, after all they are important artifacts.

And uh, Bella is the Caliburn too? How?

Infodude57515:54, 7 June 2012

Bella being Caliburn o-o? that's the first I've heard of this...

S•A•R•I•A15:57, 7 June 2012

Well one of Caliburn's forms was a human (Cai wasn't it?)

Infodude57516:00, 7 June 2012

Oh yeah...completely forgot about g10 lol x.x

S•A•R•I•A16:03, 7 June 2012

Generation 9: Cai somehow acquires Caliburn and uses it to sacrifice himself for Leymore. I might be missing a thing or two, but Elatha talked about it I think.

Generation 10: Fomors somehow acquires Caliburn and it takes the form of Cai. Neamhain puts two and two together (Caliburn and Heart of Courcle).

Infodude57516:05, 7 June 2012

I didn't mean Bella was the Caliburn, but she is one of the artifacts. She's the emissary of destruction, is she not?

Pyro - (Talk)16:07, 7 June 2012

You kinda got it dead on o.o

but at any rate, I highly doubt Bella is Caliburn...I'm pretty sure the Milletian stopped caliburn's evolution by aquiring Brionac.

S•A•R•I•A16:07, 7 June 2012

@Pyro: Yes, yes she is. By the way, I also heard that the Emissary of Destruction is somehow tied to the Soul Stream? Because I didn't catch it in Gen 16 (or maybe the choices I made didn't lead me to it).

@Lexis: IIRC, Tuan said we were Caliburn's final evolution or something after we kill Ouroboros.

Infodude57516:12, 7 June 2012

watching my bro do G11 and Buchanan says that Caliburn is a living being capable of changing forms. Brionac is the final form of Caliburn.

S•A•R•I•A17:23, 7 June 2012