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Friends List?

Friends List?

Did the Friend List on Alexina crash again for everyone? I've got confirmation from two others that it's happening with them also.

Nadindel19:10, 25 December 2011

Crashed a while ago in Ruairi.


Should an Error Message be added to the server status? I'm not sure how I'm just wondering... And I hope that the list isn't down for two months again. That sucked.

Nadindel20:07, 25 December 2011

It crashed on Mari too.

Menka21:26, 25 December 2011

I guess it's safe to assume the friend list is down for all servers...

Mikaya23:40, 25 December 2011

I just got back from Christmas and it's still broken.

Nice Christmas gift, Nexon. -_-

Infodude57500:41, 26 December 2011

lol well i stayed on for a long time and it just slightly worked for me. I saw all my friends and the options for noting and everything was available but i wanted to try and make it perm, so i relogged but again faded.

Softswipe04:35, 27 December 2011

Funfun, my list is normal atm...not gonna channel change lol. I think being afk all night worked out for me.

Mikaya08:24, 27 December 2011

Should we just set the servers on Error? People are saying the Maintenance was only was to fix our (Mari) Channel 2, since it crashed..I have to say about 1-2 days ago. Or should we put it in the log for the channels. By going to the servers and clicking any, and it says on there I believe about what has gone on in the servers and the date they have happened. Possibly? I'm not possible, just sending out some suggestions?

Menka09:02, 28 December 2011

The maintenance was for the entire server because we always have weekly maintenances...


The maintenance fixed the FL, but it broke...AGAIN. Like last time, lol.

Deletion10:21, 28 December 2011

Really? I got on about..5 minutes after it got opened.. It was still broken. I didn't see a clue. Possibly, with hard work and spirit for the Mabinogi Team, we can do it. YEAH..Just gotta pray for it.

Menka01:35, 29 December 2011

It is gone for Tarlach server too, i think nobody published that

PeaceSeeker15:11, 29 December 2011

Yeah, like Mikayla said, I think its safe to say all of the servers have broken Friend Lists.

Menka20:58, 29 December 2011

It's Mikaya o.o not -yla. anyways it may occasionally work, but all functions are still nonfunctional.

Mikaya21:45, 29 December 2011

Why do just the Mari and Rauri servers have errors? Channel 4 for Alexina crashed and rebooted about 10 minutes after the Maint. and the friends list is still down. Is there something on the other servers that I'm missing?

Nadindel00:10, 30 December 2011

Well the server thing is automated, but I guess because there's another fault other than the friend list issue, but I wouldn't know. I stopped playing in mari and never played in Ruairi.

Mikaya00:56, 30 December 2011

Oh..Sorry Mikaya. I'm going to have to get use to that. Lol. Anywho, I never knew the server was automated. Shouldn't we get a little power into changing it if its not partly correct? Or do we just have the power to just edit what it says on the current game status, etc.? Or is that what changes it.. *confused* Plus I've only been on Ruairi for like 1 week on an alt. It seemed fine back then (That was like 2 years ago) and I played on Tarlach before I came to Mari, Tarlach seemed kinda..glitchy for all I remember. But that was about 2 years ago, so, I can make sure I have some alts on there to scope the scene and check in with you guys.

Menka02:01, 30 December 2011

It's 'automatic' in that it automatically checks for when a server is offline and sets that status accordingly, but errors like the friends list and channel crashing have to be put in manually.

Angevon (Talk)08:57, 30 December 2011

Ohh.. I see. Well, here in Mari, I've seen some weird guild names like Kill It With Awesome! (leader: Taiwa Members: 10) and No Mods Allowed (Leader: Shiben Members: 5) Found these guild stones in Dunbarton, Mari.

Menka11:40, 30 December 2011

What do Guild Stones have to do with this?

Infodude57511:43, 30 December 2011

Just wondering cause its not really the types of guild names cause they have spaces in a guild name. I've been thinking if that crashed Mari's Friend List cause of having Guild Name List in there too. Connecting to the guild chat as well. It could be a thought into how but it seems unrealistic, I just thought I could say it.

Menka11:56, 30 December 2011

That could quite possibly be a server-side hack, which I believe is what caused the first crash, along with people hacking to get permanent Royal Alch. Nexon actually fixed the original friend list problem that we were having a few days ago. After the Maint. a new problem arose. Character Login Issues. The Friends List works just fine. But for some reason the characters are not logging in properly on any server. I know the Friends List functions because you can access the three buttons at the bottom, Party, Guild Home, and Guild List. Until these issues are corrected the Friends List will not come back online. This issue has also been proven by multiple crash reports stating a character save issue impeded in the code. I am not the one who translated it, nor can I remember the guys name, but he said he would make a post on the forums (Nexon forums, not Mabinogiworld) and tell people to post their crash logs there and he would translate them. Whether he follows through on that or not, a login issue is most likely the problem.


Wow, just read over that, up until the last two sentences I sounded like a bot.

Nadindel17:20, 30 December 2011

I knew it. Character data is not saving again.

Nadindel20:12, 30 December 2011

Gah.. We got hit bad again. Honestly, maybe saying again we need a rollback or something, but not to be pushy about it. Or we find out who is doing this and and shut down most of the hackers if we can, and just try again. But I don't know honestly, I'm just giving suggestions.

Menka22:20, 30 December 2011

Rollback is a most likeable option. They rollbacked the latest mass Gold Dupe to one week earlier.

Infodude57501:05, 31 December 2011