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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Sakura502

I think when she means by timing, trying to make the animation as equal as the original. .3. When I was making the dye gif, I was staring at the in-game dye and the gif dye for too long till I decided it was all okay.

Nise Panda (talk)02:03, 23 February 2014

Wait, you guys are using the duration values? o.o

Ikkisuki (talk)02:06, 23 February 2014

Ehh yeah, I am at least. I think Sakura is using a website o-o

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)02:07, 23 February 2014

A website? What website is this? o.o

Ikkisuki (talk)02:10, 23 February 2014

I just use a website to add transparency. To make the actual gif I use a gif editing thing.

Nise Panda (talk)02:18, 23 February 2014

What are you using to make gifs then o-o;

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)02:27, 23 February 2014 <-- This thing here.

I use Paint.Net to crop and clean all those frames.

Then I found that website and since all my gifs have white backgrounds, I can easily add transparency.

Nise Panda (talk)02:33, 23 February 2014


Ikkisuki (talk)02:40, 23 February 2014