We are Far Darrigs! Welcome to our home, Scuabtuinne, the island of Manannan!
—Far Darrig, Generation 23
The Far Darrigs are fairies living on Scuabtuinne, under Manannan's guidance. They bear childish innocence and love to play games.
Named Darrigs
You can call us whatever you want! We call each other whatever we want anyway!
—Far Darrig, G23
A few darrigs have been referred to in name:
- FarFar, a blue Far Darrig that wields a flower
- Darrig, a pink Far Darrig
- DarrDarr, a pink hapless Far Darrig
Mainstream Story
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The Milletian and his party come across the Far Darrigs shortly after their arrival in Scuabtuinne. They are shown to be childish, playful beings, wishing to play rock-paper-scissors, hide and seek and the Statues game with the Milletian. It is hinted that Tani showed them how to play these games.
After the events of G23, Manannan left them alone on the ship, in search of a better one, which then gets attacked by the Kraken; they seek the Milletian's help to repeal it, since they themselves have no fighting capability.
This part of the current article contains spoilers.
In one of the Milletians's dives into the past to search for Pragarah, they see Manannan stepping foot in Mag Mell. There, the deity takes note of how the Far Darrigs, the Fairy Queen's guards, have lost their true form and regressed to the small axolotl appearance they currently hold. Pitying them, the deity then took them in on his ship, Scuabtuinne, feeling responsible for them as the Fairy King.
- This NPC Cannot be interacted with Keywords.
- The Blackened Darrig is a Darrig who got dunked in the Kraken Rex's ink. Their original color is not known.
- Far Darrig greatly resemble real-world axolotls.
Farfar (Blue) and Darrig (Pink), from the G23 promotional page.
Far Darrig on the G23 promotional Microsite.
Far Darrig alternative color concept art.
Hapless Pink Far Darrig, with a flower, also sometimes called Proficient Far Darrig.
Pink Far Darrig holding coral.
Blue Far Darrig, also sometimes called Pathfinding Far Darrig.
Green Far Darrig holding a flower, also sometimes called Courageous Far Darrig.