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From Mabinogi World Wiki
Portrait of LucasFile:Lucas.png
Race Human
Gender Male
Occupation Nightclub Owner
and Bartender
Location Emain Macha
(Outside during Day)
(Inside during Night)
It's 10 years early to be like me... novice!


—Mabinogi website


With his dark hair, dark clothes, and very distinctive beard, he always wears a cynical look on his face. Truth be told, he looks ten times more dangerous when he smiles. A tall guy, he regularly looks down at people with his confident set eyes.

Lucas is the owner of Emain Macha's pub, named Bean Rua, the 'paradise of red-haired ladies', as said by Lucas himself.

Besides owning the pub, which serves a tiny selection of food and several drinks, he appears to be well mannered and knowledgeable, that is, in a very select number of subjects that he chooses to share.


When speaking with Aodhan, he refers to Lucas in a very poor light, however, after speaking with Galvin once or twice, one can see the obvious difficulty in assessing Lucas' position within the town.

According to one of the guards, Lucas also seems to be a bit of a ladies' man. Currently, he seems to have a fondness for Delen, one of the twins who owns the flower shop.

Mainstream Story




Secret Shop

Lucas has a Secret Shop, which is accessed by raising your level of NPC Intimacy with him.

  • His shop requires 5 Likeability Potion.png Likeability Potions.
  • Talk to Lucas with the Private Story Keyword and he will offer you a Bean Rua Brooch.png Bean Rua Membership for 50,000 Gold.
    • Lucas must be inside Bean Rua to offer Membership. (?)
    • The Bean Rua Brooch discounts the Ticket to Bean Rua to 500 Gold from 1,000 Gold.
    • The Bean Rua Brooch upgrades the alcohol Lucas sells to 4-Star quality.
    • The Bean Rua Brooch allows players to buy a selection of exotic items from Lucas.
    • The Bean Rua Brooch expires in 35 days, real-time.



  • Prior to defeating Lucas in Generation 11, there is a scene that is a homage to Morrighan's appearance. Instead of feathers, there are two bundles of dollar bills and the quote says "I command you, in the name of the Bar Owner, stop!".

