Nightclub Owner and Bartender
Emain Macha (Pub) (Outside during Day) (Inside during Night)
It's 10 years early to be like me... novice!
—Mabinogi website
With his dark hair, dark clothes, and very distinctive beard, he always wears a cynical look on his face. Truth be told, he looks ten times more dangerous when he smiles. A tall guy, he regularly looks down at people with his confident set eyes.
Lucas is the owner of Emain Macha's pub, named Bean Rua, the 'paradise of red-haired ladies', as said by Lucas himself.
Besides owning the pub, which serves a tiny selection of food and several drinks, he appears to be well mannered and knowledgeable, that is, in a very select number of subjects that he chooses to share.
When speaking with Aodhan, he refers to Lucas in a very poor light, however, after speaking with Galvin once or twice, one can see the obvious difficulty in assessing Lucas' position within the town.
According to one of the guards, Lucas also seems to be a bit of a ladies' man. Currently, he seems to have a fondness for Delen, one of the twins who owns the flower shop.
Mainstream Story
Belita says that Lucas had betrayed her feelings sometime ago, which is why she has a distrust for men. The Milletian implies that it was rape seven years ago on Emain Macha's Watchtower, but Belita herself never confirms this.
Belita sends the Milletian over with a letter to Lucas, saying to meet in Peaca. Lucas relays a message by telling the Milletian to make the dungeon out of "undergarments" to stimulate blood flow.
While Lucas had agreed to the plan, he had fallen under Belita's trap, where the Milletian speaks to Lucas about his harmful methods towards Belita and proceeds to give him a good beating as an act of revenge. Lucas denies these actions, and prior to his defeat, he begs for mercy and offers money. The Milletian deems him a worthless being as money could not mend a broken heart, and then leaves knowing there is no need to deal with this "lowlife scum".
You have to fight him in this scenario. For his enemy information, see Lucas (Monster).
The milletian goes to lucas in order to investigate allegations of Barry diluting his drinks. In exchange for his intel, he enlists the Milletian their help to marry Portia, since they are close to her. He asks the Milletian which box is the correct one, but he doesn't believe the good box to be the lead one. When presented with the three boxes, he chooses wrongly and doesn't accept his failure. He pleads his case to Portia, going as far as to grab her hand, only to be slapped.
Upset, he recounts the tale to the Milleteian, then proceeds to help them in their investigation.
Lucas tells the Milletian that he is aware of them asking questions to citizens throughout Erinn. When asked about mutated animals, he says he has heard information about the subject a few times. He then questions why the creator of such creatures is allowing them to roam free. Moreover, he informs the Milletian that mutated boars and wolves have appeared in Taillteann. Finally, when asked why he was willing to disclose this information, Lucas tells the Milletian that the mutated animals are affecting friends of his, and furthermore, he knows the Milletian is not the type to let ordinary people suffer.
[show]Suspicious Items
This Shop Tab only appears if the player has a Bean Rua Brooch. Only 2~5 Items appear per In-Game Day.
Broadsword Part A, B, and C are dyed Black (R:32 G:32 B:32) (Mondays Only) |
European Comb Part A, B, and C are dyed Black (R:32 G:32 B:32) (Tuesdays Only) |
Brigandine Part A, B, and C are dyed Black (R:32 G:32 B:32) (Wednesdays Only) |
Warhammer Part A and B are dyed Black (R:16 G:16 B:16) (Thursdays Only) |
Panache Head Protector Part A, B, and C are dyed Black (R:32 G:32 B:32) (Fridays Only) |
Twin Horn Cap Part A, B, and C are dyed Black (R:32 G:32 B:32) (Saturdays Only) |
Drandos Leather Mail (F) Part A, B, and C are dyed Black (R:32 G:32 B:32) (Sundays Only) |
Couple Ring Glove |
Glove of Extravaganza |
Purple Rose Decoration |
Single Purple Rose (Mondays and Saturdays Only) |
Purple Rose Bouquet (Wednesdays and Sundays Only) |
0 Sign (Sundays Only) |
Secret Shop
Lucas has a Secret Shop, which is accessed by raising your level of NPC Intimacy with him.
- His shop requires 5
Likeability Potions.
- Talk to Lucas with the Private Story Keyword and he will offer you a
Bean Rua Membership for 50,000 Gold.
- Lucas must be inside Bean Rua to offer Membership. (?)
- The Bean Rua Brooch discounts the Ticket to Bean Rua to 500 Gold from 1,000 Gold.
- The Bean Rua Brooch upgrades the alcohol Lucas sells to 4-Star Quality.
- The Bean Rua Brooch discounts the food Lucas sells by 20%.
- The Bean Rua Brooch allows players to buy a selection of exotic items from Lucas.
- The Bean Rua Brooch expires in 35 days, real-time.
- Prior to defeating Lucas in Generation 11, there is a scene that is a homage to Morrighan's appearance. Instead of feathers, there are two bundles of dollar bills and the quote says "I command you, in the name of the Bar Owner, stop!".
I command you, in the name of the Bar Owner, stop!
Lucas being slapped by Portia.