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Name Nuckelavee
Family Divine Beast
Fynni Catching No Fynni

Nuckelavee is a dormant Divine Beast.

Temporarily reawakened by Hymerark during the events of Generation 25, it was meant to test the Milletian's capabilities.


  • Uses its Escape skill at 70% and 40%.
    • Succeeding at the pillar mechanic will give it a Powerless Duration debuff. It will not take any actions until the gauge depletes.
      • Once it does, the player will be afflicted with an x1 stack (70%), and x2 (40%) stacks of the Hymerark's Whisper Debuff.
        • This will drain the player's Dorcha, Mana and Stamina.
        • The debuff will last until the end of the fight.
  • Below 70% HP, starts to use chain-casted Thunder.
  • Below 40% HP, starts to use Lightning Rod and will use its tail thrash attack more often.

Battle Tips

  • Lure Nuckelavee away from its tornadoes, as under the 30% (?) HP threshold, it will summon them often.
  • Use speed walking potions to avoid the tornadoes and the void from its escape skill more easily.
  • Balloons, Nao Soul Stones, and Guardian Soul Stones are highly recommended for the pillar phase, in case players get caught in the void.
  • Vital Surge may help mitigate its heavy blows.
    • Players should be aware that the balloons will revive on the spot, sometimes causing a revival inside a tornado. It is recommended to use the revival stones once the area is more clear of dangers.



Track Title
A Tree Branch Dreaming of Transience
Nuckelavee's battle theme
Hymerark's theme


  • Despite not battling Hymerark directly, their theme is used when battling Nuckelavee.
    • The Hymerark's Whisper debuff inflicted upon the player during the fight seems directly caused by Hymerark, however.
