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(Redirected from Element)

For the pet version of the Elements, see Fynn Pet Elements.
You may have been looking for Reforged Elements, if so see here.
You may have been looking for Elemental Masteries.
For the Technique that requires Elemental enchantments, see Elemental Attunement.

The three elements of Magic.


  • The three main Elements are Ice, Fire and Lightning.
    • Additionally, the absence of an Element is Neutral (also known as Physical).
    • Alchemy has four counterparts: Water (Ice), Fire (Fire), Wind (Lightning), and Clay (Neutral).
  • Each element has its own strengths and weaknesses; Monsters, Players, and Skills can have Elemental properties.
    • Monsters without an elemental property are not affected by elements.

Elements and Skills

Elements and Elementals

  • Players can alter their Element using Elementals and Elemental Removers.
  • By default, weapons and equipment are considered Neutral before Elements are applied.
    • Elementals are considered a Rank B Enchant with a 100% Enchant Success Rate.
    • Each Element placed onto gear makes the Player take on that property by 1/9th (11.1%).
    • Only one Element can be applied to each weapons and equipment.
    • Elementals can be enchanted over other Elementals; Elemental Removers are only required to return the item back to Neutral.
  • Elementals can be Harvested from Elemental Sprites.
    • Some Monsters with Elements can also drop Elementals of the Element they have.
  • Monsters are usually never 100% of a certain element.
    • For example, the common White Spider is Ice 2, Lightning 0, Fire 0, and Neutral 7.
  • It is possible to have a hybrid Element.
    • For example, the common Mimic is Ice 2, Lightning 2, Fire 0, and Neutral 5.
  • Wearing Elementals will increase damage dealt and received.
    • Note: Elements do not affect Skills that already have Elements, such as magic or alchemical skills.
  • Elemental enchants are required for the Technique Elemental Attunement to function:
    • Elemental Attunement will cause Ice elemental-enchanted weapons will occasionally slow the enemy.
    • Elemental Attunement will cause Fire elemental-enchanted weapons will occasionally bleed the enemy for a percent of the player's total maximum damage.
    • Elemental Attunement will cause Lightning elemental-enchanted weapons will occasionally empower the player's weapon, reducing their weapon knockdown gauge thus allowing more hits before knockdown.
  • Warning: High levels of one single Element can make you both extremely effective and extremely vulnerable depending on the enemy you face.
    • It is recommended to have different Elemental weapon and equipment sets based on what you will be fighting.

Elements and Reforges

  • There are also Elemental Reforges that can increase one of the Elements in a manner similar to the Enchants.
    • Like regular Elementals, they provide defensive and offensive capabilities.
    • Unlike regular Elementals, they provide a Reforge Level-Minus-One Additional Bonus of +1/9th (+11.1%) damage for every Level beyond the first regardless of the Defender's Elementals.
      • This includes against Elementally Neutral enemies.
      • Some enemies are specifically immune to this secondary effect, however.
  • Weapons (and not Equipment) can receive up to 6 Levels of the Reforge at Rank 1.
    • Some One-Handed Weapons have this maximum Reforge Level reduced in half, capping at 3 Levels at Reforge Rank 1.
      • Reforge Levels are not added together between One-Handed Weapons, meaning the Reforge Level-Minus-One Additional Bonus will not take place unless at least two Levels of the Reforge are present on a single Weapon even if both Weapons have one Level in the same Element.
    • It is possible to receive multiple Elemental Reforges on a single Weapon.

Elements and Echostones

  • There are also Elemental Echostone Awakenings that can increase one of the Elements in a manner similar to the Enchants.
    • Like regular Elementals, they provide defensive and offensive capabilities.
  • The Black Echostone can receive up to 1 Level of the Awakening in any element.
    • Only one Black Echostone may be worn at a time.

Elements and Damage

For the in-game lore book, see Understanding Elementals.
Element Damage Chart.
  • Ice and Fire evenly oppose each other.
    • Every single Level of an Element increases damage given or received by 1/9th (11.1%).
    • Damage is only increased by the lower Element Level between the damage giver and receiver.
      • Ice 2 attacking Fire 5 is a +2/9th (-22.2%) increase.
  • Ice and Lightning unevenly oppose each other.
    • A single Level of either Element increases damage given to the opposing Element depending on its Level.
    • Every three Levels of either Element increases damage received by +1/9th (+11.1%).
  • Fire and Lightning ignore each other.
    • Each Level of either Element does not increase or reduce damage.
  • Any Element against itself will evenly oppose itself, reducing damage.
    • Every single Level of an Element reduces damage given or received by -1/9th (-11.1%).
    • Damage is only reduced by the lower Element Level between the damage giver and receiver.
      • Ice 2 attacking Ice 5 is a -2/9th (-22.2%) reduction.

Elements and Hybrid Damage

Damage Calculation Order
Top to Bottom
Reforge Level-Minus-One
Additional Bonus

(Does Not Remove Elementals)
(Only Reforge Elemental Levels, Minus One)
(Each Weapon's Levels Are Separate)
Elemental Resistances

(Remove Elementals Used For Resistance)
Lightning vs. Ice
Elemental Weakness
(Does Not Remove Elementals)
Fire vs. Ice
Elemental Weakness
(Does Not Remove Elementals)
(Add Value From Lightning vs. Ice)
(Defender's Element Caps Damage Boost)
Various Other Bonuses
Are Additive With These Bonuses
  • When Players or Monsters have Levels in multiple Elements, the game prioritizes reducing damage before increasing damage.
    • This effect goes so far as to remove Elements from the calculations when an Element opposes itself.
      • Ice 2 Fire 2 attacking Ice 2 is a -2/9th (-22.2%) reduction.
        • Ice 2 attacks Ice 2 first, causing a -2/9th reduction in damage. The attacker's Ice 2 is reduced by 2 as a result, and becomes Ice 0. The defender's Ice 2 is reduced by 2 as a result, and becomes Ice 0.
        • Fire 2 attacks Ice 0 second, resulting in nothing happening. The defender takes a final -2/9th reduction in damage.
      • Ice 1 Fire 1 attacking Ice 2 does not increase or reduce damage.
        • Ice 1 attacks Ice 2 first, causing a -1/9th reduction in damage. The defender's Ice 2 is reduced by 1 as a result, and becomes Ice 1.
        • Fire 1 attacks Ice 1 second, causing a +1/9th increase in damage. The defender takes the original amount of damage.
  • The opposition of Ice and Lightning causes the opposition of Ice and Fire to become uneven and chaotic.
    • The opposition of Ice and Fire will continue to have a maximum increase in damage based off of the defender's Elemental Level.
    • However, the increase in damage due to the opposition of Ice and Lightning will be added to the increase in damage due to the opposition of Ice and Fire.
      • Ice 1 attacking Fire 3 Lightning 6 is a +5/9th (+55.5%) increase.
        • Ice 1 attacks Lightning 6 first, causing a +2/9th increase in damage. The defender's Elements do not change.
        • Ice 1 attacks Fire 3 second, causing an initial +1/9th increase in damage. The effect of Ice 1 attacking Lightning 6 causes an additional +2/9th increase in damage. The maximum amount of damage possible from the defender's Fire 3 is a +3/9th increase in damage, so no change needs to occur. The defender takes a final +5/9th increase in damage.
      • Ice 2 attacking Ice 1 Fire 3 Lightning 6 is a +4/9th (+44.4%) increase.
        • Ice 2 attacks Ice 1 first, causing a -1/9th reduction in damage. The attacker's Ice 2 is reduced by 1 as a result, and becomes Ice 1. The defender's Ice 1 is reduced by 1 as a result, and becomes Ice 0.
        • Ice 1 attacks Lightning 6 second, causing a +2/9th increase in damage. The defender's Elements do not change.
        • Ice 1 attacks Fire 3 third, causing an initial +1/9th increase in damage. The effect of Ice 1 attacking Lightning 6 causes an additional +2/9th increase in damage. The maximum amount of damage possible from the defender's Fire 3 is a +3/9th increase in damage, so no change needs to occur. The defender takes a final +4/9th increase in damage.

Elemental Damage Calculator


Elemental Damage Calculator
Change attacker's and defender's Elements to calculate the Damage Multiplier.
Note: Some bonuses (i.e. Magic Elemental Masteries) are added to this Multiplier.
Attacker Defender
Enchantments Reforges Elementals
Main Hand Off Hand
Ice name=attIce;default=0;min=0;max=9 name=attReforgeIce;default=0;min=0;max=6 name=attOffReforgeIce;default=0;min=0;max=6 Ice name=defIce;default=0;min=0;max=23
Fire name=attFire;default=0;min=0;max=9 name=attReforgeFire;default=0;min=0;max=6 name=attOffReforgeFire;default=0;min=0;max=6 Fire name=defFire;default=0;min=0;max=23
Lightning name=attLight;default=0;min=0;max=9 name=attReforgeLight;default=0;min=0;max=6 name=attOffReforgeLight;default=0;min=0;max=6 Lightning name=defLight;default=0;min=0;max=23
Damage Multiplier : formula=getMultiplier;%


  • According to Lassar during Classes and Training, Poison is not classified as an Element because it is made up of different Elemental variables.
  • The Elemental Knight Arcana Instill Skills used to grant the user's offensive damage 1 Elemental Level when active.

