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Talk:Dungeon Collection Event (2010)mini

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End Chest

So far from what I've done the items do comes from the end chests. I have yet to confirm if the monsters drop them to or not. If any one confrims post it here if you can. Thanks. --Falmosta 16:03, 5 May 2010 (UTC)

Also confirm its a end chest item. Would make sense since it would be odd as a drop from say...a Little Golem Fragment from Fiodh Int(1 being an exception) bosses. Otherwise it would be Fiodh Normal spammed more. --DarkWyvern 16:54, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
Definitely a drop from end chest only and not bosses. The descriptions on the books even say so: "This collection book can be completed by gathering the event items contained in dungeon treasure chests." Blargel 19:51, 5 May 2010 (UTC)


Has anyone made a template for the other items? --Falmosta 17:36, 5 May 2010 (UTC)

no -- ladywinter ~{talk page}~ 17:37, 5 May 2010 (UTC)

Rewards and book volumes

Waiting for confirmation on whether the Rewards are fixed to each book or not. I think they would because there is four items mentioned and four books. I expect that it maybe like this. Vol 1: Elven bow, Vol 2: Red Great Sword, Vol 3: Colin plate armor, Vol 4: Dustin Sword. --Falmosta 17:15, 5 May 2010 (UTC)

logic and nexon does not always follow, also that would totally devalue the Dustin, which would make me amused. -- ladywinter ~{talk page}~ 17:21, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
well normal dragon blades were devalued as a result of the dragon boat event, along with all the other clothing that dropped from it. but given the large amount of effort needed to complete a book, i wouldnt expect it to devalue as much. Since boating was way too easy. The Price Event was similar but that just required completing the dungeon, so in comparison this is a bit harder. --Lighthalzen 18:24, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
The descriptions on the books say "Each volume will yield a different reward." I've seen a couple of people from foreign servers say that it's Vol 1: Red Straw Hat, Vol 2: Red Vales Sword, Vol 3: Elven Bow, Vol 4: Dustin Sword. Still nothing definitive, but it's a start. --Jobibi 02:57, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

items tradeable?

are the collection items tradeable? -- ladywinter ~{talk page}~ 17:21, 5 May 2010 (UTC)

Can drop it and its lootable by other ppl, so possibly tradeable. --DarkWyvern 03:30, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
I can confirm it, they are. Tested it with a guildy with the Spider Fang. There's also a few up on housing. --Jobibi 04:37, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

Drop chances in relation to dungeon level

So it's known that Normal<Basic<Intermediate<Advanced. But what about Beginner for Alby and Ciar? Do these count for drops as well or are they so low it doesn't even have a chance to drop? And what about Hard Mode? Does it make the rate go up for drops as well? --Melodious 21:37, 5 May 2010 (UTC)

I was actually wondering the same thing at the start of the event, but from how my luck is going at just trying to get the Alby item, I'm the wrong person to test it. HM dungeons are a little difficult for me, too :/ --Haven923 01:23, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
Ran an Alby Adv Ultd, with two guildmates, no drops. Ran an Alby Int for 1, no drops. lol. I'm not holding my breath for Alby Norm drop if these two are any indication, though I'd probably be spamming it for ES come Thursday. -- ladywinter ~{talk page}~ 02:15, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
ran 30 alby norms, 2 alby for 2, 2 alby for 4, 1 alby basic, no luck. XD -- ladywinter ~{talk page}~ 16:12, 9 May 2010 (UTC)
I ran Alby Normal about 7 times with 2 guildmates. Got a basic pass and ran that, all three of us got the fang in our end chests. --Jobibi 02:45, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
Ran 6 Normal Albys solo, got 1 in final chest. Ran once in a party after that and both us (Party of 2) got the Fang --DarkWyvern 03:32, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
So wait, it comes from the chest, not the boss? Nandattebayo 06:12, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
Yup, and apparently if below discussion sounding more true, if you are in a party and it is in end chest, everybody seems to get one --DarkWyvern 10:02, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
Wow you guys are pretty lucky. After about 40 Alby normal solo runs and an Alby int for 2, I got a single Fang.. Back on topic though, it's sort of hard to evaluate the drop chances >> --Melodious 04:12, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
From what I can tell, it appears the difficulty of the difficulty increases the chances of obtaining the item.
not too sure about that. i ran alby norm 4 times and got the fang. i guess someone will just have to run it about 100 times to see the percentage--chrissy of hailfire 16:30, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

Do all party members get it?

From what I'm seeing, it seems like if one party member gets it, all of them do. I've seen three instances of this now. Confirm/Disprove? --Jobibi 04:33, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

I can least confirm that once in the only party I was in which it dropped, in which case both of us (2 ppl party) got the Fang --DarkWyvern 10:03, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
i can confirm this twice as my party of 2 got the fang from alby and my party of 3 (one DC though) got the golem heart. so defanitly recomend doing this as a large party to get the dungons done quickly--chrissy of hailfire 16:28, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

sucubus ring?

ok... has anyone gotten the rabbie boss item going as a group? i know the succubus only shows up for solo so I've been wondering about that...--chrissy of hailfire 18:23, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

We got it at the end of Barri Basic End Chest... since it was a party we fought the Lycanthropes but got it. --Miyuna 19:19, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
Our entire party got the ring two times out of two running rabbie adv for 2 then a for 8 --Skynet 16:00, 8 May 2010 (UTC)

Colin Plate Armor

Hey guys Colin Plate armor is not part of the collection book, whose idea was it first to put it in there on wiki? First of all during all the events nexon always puts a giant wearing Colin armor. It's also more rare-er than the dustin knight 2h, if the dustin sword was book 4, that means the Colin Plate armor cannot be. This means the extra book out of the 4 is not part of the picture shown on the site with the 3 colored weapons. Perhaps. --PostDramatic 7:53 10 May 2010 (UTC)

  • That was my doing. A guild-mate of mine has been desperately taking me and others on Rundal Advance Hardmode and Ciar Advance Hardmode for that armor, and I just had to hold out hope that this event was finally gonna make the Colin Plate Armor easier to get... DARN IT! Thundercross 01:24, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Someone's being a retard again

Book 3 is not Elven long bow, and Book 2 is not Vales great sword, has it even been confirmed? First off in a NPC shop Vales great sword costs more than the bow, it's like being racist to giants. It's like the same mistake as the Colin Plate armor I posted. Book 2 and 3 should be switched from my POV, unless someone can tell me it isnt. --PostDramatic 18:15 10 May 2010 (UTC)

How can you say what they aren't if you haven't confirmed it yourself? I believe the information currently listed is taken from other servers where the event has also been held. Rather than slinging around offensive language, I think time would be better spent completing the books to prove your speculation. Beepuke 17:29, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
Actually I can confirm that Book 2 is not the Vales Great Sword and is the Elven Bow. I completed Book 2 in hopes of getting a Vales Great Sword but I got the black bow instead. This makes it likely that Book 3 is the Vales Great Sword, but I can't confirm that since I haven't completed Book 3. --Poison Eggroll 07:22, 13 May 2010 (UTC)


Has anyone even gotten a reward yet? Tylian 22:31, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

I can answer your question :D Unless someone knows not of the existance of this wiki or is too lazy or mean to put up valuable info AND has done this already... No :(--Marthian 23:35, 7 May 2010 (UTC)
Someone in my guild got the reward for vol. 4, and it was the white dustin. I think it's safe to say that Colin Armor is not a reward. Beepuke 22:53, 9 May 2010 (UTC)
Its not safe to say yet, we have VERY LITTLE info, its only one reward that we've confirmed, no doubt there are more awards, but we really need more info guys >.> how hard is it to beat all these dungeons?--Marthian 02:58, 10 May 2010 (UTC)
It's not hard at all to beat any of these dungeons, but the main problem is the low chances of the items dropping. I've done maybe 20 Alby Normals, 10 Math Normals, 2 Math Advances, 2 Rundal Normals, 1 Coill Normal, 5 Fiodh Normals, and 2 Barri Advances. Out of all of that, I've gotten only one event item, the Ogre Warrior Hammer. A lot of these dungeons just take way too much time with too little of a drop rate. For example, Coill only has normal which would be the lowest drop rate, but it's two long floors and is probably the most difficult normal dungeon in the event. I'm still working on volume 4 though, so let's see if another Dustin pops out. Blargel 10:11, 10 May 2010 (UTC)
We have very little info, yes, but based on information from other servers, it is not a reward. And it's a fact that most events are directly copied from other servers. Anyway, if we're just listing things that they show in the screenshot as prizes, why not list the elegant gothic long-type as a reward? :( Beepuke 17:36, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Clarification of the Item Drops in this event

Just to clear up any confusion:

  • All of these "collection items" (Spider Fang, Golem Heart, etc.) drop at the end of a dungeon in the end chest. They do not drop from the monster itself.
  • The item can appear in the end chest of a normal (no pass) dungeon, all the way to an advanced pass. The chance of getting the item increases with the difficulty, but this does not mean that the easiest dungeons have no chance of giving the item.
  • If one party member receives the item in their chest, all of the chests will also receive the item.
  • It does not matter what the end boss is of any dungeon. For example- Alby Adv for 1's end boss is Arachne, not a Giant Spider. This does NOT mean that a Spider Fang will not appear in the end chest- it still can.

There's no reason to get hung up on the name of the piece- that's not what matters. It's the dungeon name that matters.


  • Giant Spider Fang= Alby Dungeon
  • Golem Heart= Ciar Dungeon
  • Succubus Ring= Rabbie Dungeon
  • Hellhound Bone= Math Dungeon
  • Small Golem Fragment= Fiodh Dungeon
  • Cyclops Eye= Rundal Dungeon
  • Headless Claw= Coill Dungeon
  • Ogre Warrior Hammer= Barri Dungeon

I've changed all of the templates on the respective pages to make this clear. It's not very complicated at all. -- Jspillers | (Talk) 12:54, 9 May 2010 (UTC)

Hard Mode Dungeons

Is it possible to get these rewards from hard mode dungeons at all? If so, is the drop rate increased from the normal versions? --Zemlor 22:30, 10 May 2010 (UTC)

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