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Lance Usage.

What about their character's races?

Pyro - (Talk)16:05, 15 October 2012

They are all giant and so am I but I'm the only one who cant use any skills or even use basis attack out of the four of us.

Godwrath1 (talk)20:13, 16 October 2012

What about the partner's level and disposition? Do any of them have multiple characters on that account? If so, ask them to try on another character.

Pyro - (Talk)22:44, 16 October 2012

The only fried I could get hold of today says that he only has that one character. He has 2 partners and he told me there dispositions are +17 and -147. Neither of their levels is over 20. He went on to show me he could use skills while either of them were piggyback. On another note, I have heard people complaining that you cant give your commerce partner a salary on Saturday/She takes the money but her disposition remains the same.

Godwrath1 (talk)04:25, 17 October 2012

Wait, there are people who are able to give her a salary at all? (Albeit one that doesn't give disposition.) And I'm sorry, I'm out of possible explanations. =S

Pyro - (Talk)05:09, 17 October 2012

I cant say for certain, on account of me not witnessing it first-hand. All I can be certain of is that i talked to two people who claimed that they gave her money and received nothing for it. On another side note, I find it incredibly irritating that the commerce partner has a robe equipment slot yet you cannot gift her a robe.

Godwrath1 (talk)06:01, 17 October 2012

Commerce partners do not have salaries. Also their double gathering is unlocked past 200 disposition and they do not have triple gathering at all.

Aubog007 (talk)06:35, 17 October 2012

Can you ask the person who was capable of paying her a salary if her stress level changed at all after paying? Or if nothing change besides money loss? (Or if you even lose your money.)

Pyro - (Talk)13:01, 17 October 2012

Commerce partner has no salary button at all. Nada. Zilch. You can't pay a salary unless he is thinking of the ducat favor quest.

Aubog007 (talk)17:54, 17 October 2012

Did you read what Godwrath said? He said that some people still get a button but don't get any disposition gain. Likewise, some people can fight her on your back.

Pyro - (Talk)19:16, 17 October 2012

I would like to see proof of this button? I mean it's not hard to have a SS.

Make sure it's modless too. Because i don't see how this is a server error.

Aubog007 (talk)04:47, 19 October 2012