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For New Players

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Daily Quests

I have done dailies with newbie players as well. o -o

Nise Panda (talk)14:58, 13 April 2014

I always thought you couldn't do dailies until you finished G1 after the Genesis update? Did they change that?

TheCookieBunny (talk)07:45, 10 May 2014

You can do daily missions without having completed any storylines.

Shroom Fonzerelli (talk)07:59, 10 May 2014

Well yes, but I meant the quests. ^^; Sorry.

TheCookieBunny (talk)08:58, 10 May 2014

I have 9 characters that do daily quests and they can all do dailies. None of them have beaten (And some of them haven't started) g1 or anything. It must just be a glitch.

Randomfluffycow (talk)14:27, 10 May 2014

I doubt it's a glitch. o -o My elf has been getting daily quests since god knows how long, without even finishing g1.

Nise Panda (talk)14:29, 10 May 2014

This thread was started nearly a year ago, so AGAIN DevCAT must have changed it behind our backs.

@Cookie: Receiving dailies post G1 sounds like a rumor.

Infodude575 (talk)14:42, 10 May 2014

._. I would know since I recently created a new char. Hit a total of 51+ to get dailies. I have alts that don't even have dailies and is below 51 total and has not even recieved/started G1. Leveling them up got me dailies.


I have no proof of this, but I think you start receiving Daily SM Quests at total level 50.

Kapra - (Talk)21:11, 10 May 2014

Okay for the last time, You can do dailies at ANY level, One of my alts is total level 7 and he can accept almost all Dailies.

Randomfluffycow (talk)22:38, 10 May 2014

Pretty sure you're talking about something different.

You can accept the daily missions on the mission board at any level (pretty sure that's what you're referring to), however daily sm quests are different; they are the same mission, but give you some additional rewards. I can't confirm what the level requirement is for the quests, though, if any.

Edit: Just saw your previous post and it seems you also mention the quests, so ignore this I guess.

Ikkisuki (talk)22:40, 10 May 2014

Yea as Kevin said, I was referring to the the Daily Quests, not the Daily Missions' Party Quests you manually accept form the board. As I said I have no proof of it and I am not going to go out of my way to prove it. You say you can get the daily SM quests regardless of level? Are any of your nine characters under total level 50?

Kapra - (Talk)00:01, 11 May 2014

Maybe there was a coincidence with my alt when last year, I must have magically reached level 51 right when I finished G1. I've always believed it was because I finished G1, not because I reached level 51. (I don't think I did though, I was only level 30 something when I finished G1.) I guess it was really just a coincidence.

I'm sorry for bringing up an old issue like this, but I just wanted to be as accurate as possible, seeing as my experiences don't agree with what is written. It seems the majority says that the bullet point remains true, so I'll just drop it. I'm sorry.

(Also, hi Kapra. :D I remember you from the Mabination forums.)

TheCookieBunny (talk)08:22, 11 May 2014