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Yes its necessary because they happen regardless.

I'd like to know ahead of time when a cut-scene is going to occur. I can't always read subtitles that fast if I'm not ready.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)20:16, 29 June 2013

Kevin, I respect you and all, and I agree with most of what you do, but this sounds like trolling imo.

Pyro - (Talk)20:53, 29 June 2013

I find knowing when cutscenes happen useful. It tells me if I have enough time to do the quest in the first place when I'm busy, tells me when not to AFK in case I run off before it starts, and a few other things.

Willi096 (talk)22:05, 29 June 2013

Looks like it's 3 votes for keeping it, 2 against so far.

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)22:08, 29 June 2013

it apparently is now...o-o

ehh that aside, if can be left out, but some people like to know when "transitional lag" will occur.

まそっぷ ! (talk)22:15, 29 June 2013

I think Pyrus is agreeing with us since he thinks Kevin's trolling.

Infodude575 (talk)22:12, 29 June 2013

Ya, I'm not voting against it, I'm in favor of saying when cutscenes will occur when doing things like talking to NPCs outside of missions or completing quests. Sometimes you might complete a quest, get a cutscene, but be talking to an NPC when it happens so when the cutscene is done, you can't move and you're stuck unless you manually end the client.exe process.

Pyro - (Talk)23:04, 29 June 2013

I was in the conversation with Akule when I hit complete and the cutscene occured, I didn't get stuck but I was kinda frustrated I missed most of what Akule was gonna say.

Infodude575 (talk)17:08, 30 June 2013