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Damage Table

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Ice Breath

Hello! Whered you get r1 ice breath does 1600-2400 dmg? my lv 60 Dragon got r1 and it says 1000-1500 dmg

Omegaedgar01 (talk)23:54, 16 July 2014

Apparently, the in-game description is wrong, and the game files are saying it's actually what the table has.

Meru (talk)06:23, 17 July 2014
  1. Do not necropost.
  2. Next time try out the attack first before jumping to conclusions.
Infodude575 (talk)12:27, 17 July 2014

I don't see omega jumping to conclusions. He/she was just asking a simple question, which was answered by meru.

Yinato (talk)13:57, 17 July 2014

What's wrong with necroposting? Especially if it's trying to contribute.

Kapra - (Talk)17:04, 17 July 2014

It was a simple question, and we've never had any qualms against necroposting. This is a wiki, not a simple forum.

Pop Runner (talk)20:33, 18 July 2014