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Carrot Pillow

From Mabinogi World Wiki


File:Carrot Pillow Pose.gif
The animation taken by equipping Carrot Pillow.
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Equipped Sheathed

A cute pillow that looks like a healthy orange carrot. Hugging it fills both hands with plush joy.

Base Stats and Information

Icon of Carrot Pillow
2 × 3
Normal 3 Hit Weapon
Base Stats Limitations
Damage 10~25 Injury 0%~0% Human Classic Spirit Magic Equip
94% = 139 G
95% = 223 G
96% = 292 G
97% = 391 G
98% = 489 G
100% = 912 G
Balance 0% Critical 30% Elf Enchant
Stun 1.6 sec Upgrade?100 0/0 Giant Reforge
Durability 20
NPC Value?
1,300 G100 Dual W.100 Sp. Up.100
S. Radius100 150 S. Angle100 30°
S. Damage100 30% SP/Swing100 0.9
Enchant Types?100 / Two-handed Weapon / Pillow / 
Other Information
  • The colors associated with this item are:
    • Color 1: #EF7A52 (R:239 G:122 B:82)
    • Color 2: #DED7D7 (R:222 G:215 B:215)
    • Color 3: #7EC04C (R:126 G:192 B:76)
    • Color 4: #F0ACAA (R:240 G:172 B:170)
  • Not compatible with any Appearance Scrolls.
  • Probably cannot receive Erg enhancement.
Obtained From?100
Sold By?
  • None

Dye Details

Items can be dyed using Dye Ampoules. The colors available depend on the palette of the part to be dyed.

  Part A Part B Part C
Dyed Part Main carrot Main rabbit Bow ribbon
Palette Used Cloth Cloth Cloth
  Part D Part E Part F
Dyed Part Rabbit cheeks - -
Palette Used Cloth - -


  • Cannot be upgraded.