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Portrait of MarloweFile:Marlowe.png
Race Unknown
Gender Male
Occupation Jail Keeper
First-class Actor
Location Avon
Track Globe Theater

Be not surprised, (Character Name), that I know thy name. I know many things about thee... Even things thou remembers not of thyself.




The smell of wet ink, drying on the script he holds with delicate fingers, dissipates into the air of Avon.

Marlowe is the gatekeeper of Avon and a critical character throughout Chapter 4. He provides guidance for Milletians who wish to act in Hamlet.

In addition to this, Marlowe is indifferent towards the conflict between Shakespeare and the Gods. He finds it amusing and wants to unravel the secret behind the accusations.


He once had been a traveler, and met many people, including Granites, whom he saved from a pack of Hyenas in Rupes Desert. He also states he used to be deeply religious.

Mainstram Story




  • Marlowe's NPC Outfit (Unobtainable)


Track Title
Globe Theater
Speaking to Marlowe


  • Marlowe was most likely named after Christopher Marlowe, a notable rival playwright of William Shakespeare during the Renaissance.
  • Lanier's keywords are the same as his. In addition to Marlowe not having any quest-giving roles in Generation 14, where she is the main quest giver, this may hint that they are supposed to be the same character.
    • He might simply be an empty shell that echo Shakespeare.
  • Marlowe is seen in the Generation 14 Credits helping a Verona Dark Skeleton Soldier with its lines.
  • Despite his words indicating the opposite, there are no Hyenas that can be found in Rupes Desert.
  • He participated in the Battle of Mag Tuireadh.[1]
    • Since Shakespeare participated, this leads further evidence to the fact that Marlowe may be an empty shell.



  1. Marlowe, Weapons Shop Keyword