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Skill Level

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For Stats, see Stats.
For charts to compare stats contributed by skills, see Stats and Skills.


The Combat and Life levels of a player, shown alongside other information.

Skill Level is the direct representation of how strong a player is, based on their ranked Skills. It is shown in the Additional Info Window, but is also displayed at the bottom of the Skill window.

  • The Total Combat Skill Level increases by 1 each time a Combat Talent skill or Combat-related hidden skill advances by 1 Rank.
  • The Total Life Skill Level increases by 1 each time a Life Talent skill or Life-related hidden skill advances by 1 Rank.
  • All skills that have been ranked are reflected in the Total Skill Level.
    • If skills are reset, the Total Skill Level will decrease according to the skills that have been reset.
  • Skills ranked to Rank 1 or higher are reflected at the same level as at Rank 1.
    • Dan Advancement Ranks do not affect the Total Skill Level.
  • Skills reflected in the Total Skill Level are limited to skills that receive special Talent bonuses during Life/Combat Talent training.
  • Transformation skills by race, Demigod, Nascent Divinity, Eweca/Ladeca-related skills, Palalan Embrace, and Crusader skills are not added to the sum of the Total Skill Level.
  • Technique and Stardust skills are not added to the sum of the Total Skill Level.

Total obtainable Skill Level

Type Human Elf Giant
Combat 2658 2545 2478
Life 888 888 888

Skills contributing to Combat Skill Level

Skills contributing to Life Skill Level

Used In