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User talk:KaedeKit/Pronouncemini

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Would you like me to supply the hangul for you, since I play on KR server? ---Angevon 19:49, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

That would be perfect, thank you! KaedeKit 03:34, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

I'm not sur eif this is correct, but i researched on and i tryed tir na nog's irish pronouciation and I don't know how but it ended up Taor inna noec. > ,>` -- User Image- Ember Incubus.pngկրակEmber Incubus (խոսելTalk | օգնությունContributes)

I doubt it's right. Look up how the Irish alphabet works and use that as a guideline. ~ KaedeKit 16:46, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

A few points

I think Tir Na Nog's meaning should be changed to 'Land of Eternal Youth', for one, it's easier to read. Secondly, I had an Irish teacher for a year and we did a bit on the legend of Tir Na Nog, and that's what he called it. I'm unsure about the pronunciation of Ruairi, too. There's a Gaelic name we have here Ruaridh, also written Ruairidh, but is always pronounced Roo-ree, even with the extra i. Might also be good to mention the 'ch' sound like in Tarlach isn't pronounced as a hard 'ck' sound, but no one who's not Scottish, Irish or German can seem to get it right anyway.
I don't want to change anything without making sure it's alright. --Bev 02:09, 26 December 2009 (UTC)

Maybe that would be better to change it to "Land of Eternal Youth".
Somehow, I seem to have missed Ruairi's pronunciation(after looking it up again, it is pronounced roo-ree). --Jαy 02:19, 26 December 2009 (UTC)
Glad I could be of help. (: --Bev 04:25, 26 December 2009 (UTC)


I'm thinking I should add a "name meaning" section to this. ~ KaedeKit 17:05, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Pronounce Gaelic Dictionary

Here's something I found that seems really useful to fill up your Pronunciation Chart ^_^ --> Gaelic Dictionary. Go to "Read this book" to start and then look through the sections to find certain topics (Click "Contents").
Sections 1-3 I'm not sure what they are. (Too lazy to read but I think it's grammar)
Section 4 is the beginning of the Gaelic Dictionary.
Section 5 is still part of the Gaelic Dictionary but starts around "M".
Section 6 is English to Gaelic translations and Section 7 is names and such.
I'm afraid I might mess up the your nice chart so I'm not gonna fill it in but to get you started, Page 130 has Fiodh pronunciation xD --Akumo 19:01, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Whee, this is useful! ~ KaedeKit 19:43, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
Your Welcome xDD ^_^ --Akumo 20:06, 8 August 2009 (UTC)


I think I spelled that wrong. D: Anyway, in greek mythology, or roman, or whatever it was, I believe that the Ouroboros was the snake that ate its own tail or something like that. o-o--♫ѕταя♪ταιқ♪ 00:14, 18 September 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, it is. --KaedeKit 00:16, 18 September 2009 (UTC)

Chinese Traditional (TW) vs Chinese Simplified (CN)

You know that they frequently have different names in the servers, even "Mabinogi" has a different character? can you make those separate cause it can be confusing when we try to look it up in the foreign language wiki and it shows no results.--Hengsheng120(talkcontribs) 01:43, 21 September 2009 (UTC)

Okay, I'll put it under Chinese and Taiwanese. --KaedeKit 02:01, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
You can't see the difference between traditional and simplified? I guess I'll have to flip thru the CN client files to find out.--Hengsheng120(talkcontribs) 03:43, 24 September 2009 (UTC)
Of course I know there's a difference. The skills have the same names, I've looked through both Chinese and Taiwanese sites. --KaedeKit 23:29, 24 September 2009 (UTC)
I'll give you a tip. Technically, "Taiwanese" is used for the spoken Chinese dialect in Taiwan, where as Chinese refers to the the written characters (which was originally written in traditional and then the government standarized simplified in Mainland China for increased literacy rates). Another words, in most of Mainland China, Chinese Simplified is almost always used, this includes every character in CN mabi. I don't blame you for not knowing it though, because in terms of age CN server is one of the youngest (except for us) among the 3 servers, so, just like us, they have to use other servers' references (like TW server). Mainland Chinese don't know much about wikis (because they know the least english compared to other servers) so they just copy information from other websites and use traditional to simplified translators (which doesn't really change the characters' meaning) to read them and aren't really fond of creating their own database. However, when the content is translated by TianCity though, it becomes localized to the culture and expressions so the names become a bit different in addition to using simplified characters. I'm hoping the chinese simplified names will match the client names for convenience.--Hengsheng120(talkcontribs) 00:06, 25 September 2009 (UTC)
That's incredibly inconvenient. I guess I'll remove what's wrong and change it to Simplified and Traditional. --KaedeKit 00:11, 25 September 2009 (UTC)


What does Arat mean? - A Random User 06:03, 29 September 2009 (UTC)

I've got no idea. --KaedeKit 02:02, 1 October 2009 (UTC)
Arat is Tara spelled backward. --Sephy 11:49, 6 November 2010 (PDT)

Raspa/Pella Volcano

I'm not entirely sure how 火山 should be romanised, so I put it down as 'kasen', but I need someone else to check that? The same goes for the kanji in Heart of Courcle....

kazann and kurukure no shinnzou. --ZephyreTALK 19:14, 16 January 2010 (UTC)

Animal Training

Not sure if it makes any difference to your tables here but Animal Training is actually called Taming Wild Animals in Mabinogi NA. I was just changing it on the normal wiki pages and came across yours, I haven't changed it on your's or any other user's page/sub-pages and it's your choice whether or not you want to change it XD --ZRoc (Talk) 08:14, 12 October 2009 (UTC)

Tiny note

Excuse my faulty Chinese, but I do believe that the daily effects, in Chinese, are the days of the week. Like, they mean the days of the week, not whatever their English (.....*Celtic?) meanings is. So it's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. o3o...... I think. :D--αмуταιқ♪ 19:31, 15 November 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, they are. I realized that as I was writing them in..."Hey, these are the weekdays!". Hehe. --Jαy 19:52, 15 November 2009 (UTC)

Japanese Pronunciation

Not sure how often you use/update this page, but under Skills, the Japanese is the following:
Charge - 突進 - tosshinn
Evasion - 回避 - kaihi
Mirage Missile - ミラージュミサイル - mira-jyu misairu
Sharp Mind - シャープ マインド - sha-pu mainndo
Throwing Attack - 投擲 - touteki
Blacksmithing - 鍛冶 - kaji
Composing - 作曲 - sakkyoku
Cooking - 料理 - ryouri
First Aid - 応急治療 - oukyuu chiryou
Fishing - 釣り - tsuri
Herbalism - 薬草学 - yakusougaku
Metallurgy - 鉱物採取 - koubutsu saishu
Musical Knowledge - 音楽知識 - onngaku chishiki
Playing Instrument - 楽器演奏 - gakki ennsou
Potion Making - ポーション調合 - po-shonn chougou
Refine - 製錬 - seirenn
Rest - 休憩 - kyuukei
Tailoring - 裁縫 - saihou
Taming - 野生動物調教 - yasei doubutsu choukyou
Weaving - 紡織 - boushoku
Barrier Spikes - 防護壁 - bougo kabe
Desynthesis - 分解 - bunnkai
Metal Conversion - 金属変換 - kinnzoku hennkann
Synthesis - 合成 - gousei
Wasn't sure whether you'd want me to write it directly on the page, so I wrote them here. No information on Heat Buster so no name for that yet. --ZephyreTALK 19:13, 16 January 2010 (UTC)

Thank you for all of these! :) --Jαy 01:28, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

Just a placeholder

This is so I can actually FIND this place when looking for it. I usually spend about 5 minutes searching for it when I need it. I suppose this little subsection can be used by people who want placeholders? o-o ~Zallist 17:03, 17 February 2010 (UTC)


For Macha, you have 'maha' listed as pronounciation. For Emain Macha, however, the pronounciation for the Macha part is listed as 'waha'. Is this intentional/due to some grammar rule, or a typo? Wonderful work otherwise. :3 --Hecate 05:08, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Yes, it's intentional. Emain Macha is originally Eamhain Mhacha; the "Mh" makes a "w" sound. --Jαy 05:10, 28 March 2010 (UTC)
Hmm. What confuses me about this is that the NPCs ingame state -specifically- that it's named after the goddess, even if the real one might not be. I guess sticking with the 'real' pronounciation is what this page is all about, so I ain't complaining, was just asking to make sure I understood what is going on. --Hecate 05:19, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Some more Japanese names

Hey, I'd like to add some Japanese names since I play in JP server.

General Terms:

Erskin (the bank) アスキン asukin

Generation Seven + Eight:

Adniel アドゥニエル adunieru

Generation Nine:

Glas Gavelen グラスギブネン gurasu gibunen

Generation Eleven:

Uroboros ウロボロス uroborosu

Brionac ブリューナク buryuunaku

Partholon パルホロン paruhoron

Generation Twelve:

Falias ファリアス fariasu

Tir Chonaill:

DevCAT 変なネコ henna neko (strange cat)

Emain Macha:

Ceo Island ケオ島   keo shima (it is read keo jima just like iwo jima or neko jima)


La Terra Highland rateeru kouzan chiiki


Calida Lake karida ko

Renes レネス島 renesu shima / renesu tou (the kanji for island can be read shima or tou)


Lake Neagh アブネア abu nea (abb neagh)

Blago Prairie/Tara Vineyards + Corrib Valley:

Blago Prairie burago heigen

Corrib Valley koribu keikoku

Edana edana

Rumon ruman


Fiodh フィアード fiaado (it's small i so its 'fi' not 'fui')

Life Skills:

Carpentry 木工 mokkou


Play Dead 死んだフリ shinda furi

Performance 公演 kouen

L-Rod Exploration 探検        tanken

Land Maker ランドメーカー rando meekaa

Hide ハイド       haido

Rock Throwing 石投げ ishi nage

Dice Tossing サイコロ投げ saikoro nage

Jam Session 合奏 gassou (also written as party performance in JP)

Throw Paper Plane 紙ヒコーキ飛ばし kami hikooki tobashi

Watering 水やり mizuyari

Fertilizing 肥料まき hiryoumaki

Insect Control 害虫駆除 gaicyuu kujyo

Install/Uninstall Cylinder シリンダー設置/解除 shirindaa secchi/kaijyo

Paladin Skills

Paladin パラディン paradin

Spirit of Order スピリットオブオーダー supiritto obu oodaa

Power of Order パワーオブオーダー pawaa obu oodaa

Eye of Order アイオブオーダー ai obu oodaa

Sword of Order ソードオブオーダー soodo obu oodaa

Paladin Heavy Stander パラディンヘビースタンダー paradin hebii sutandaa

Paladin Natural Shield パラディンナチュラルシールド paradin nacyuraru shiirudo

Paladin Mana Refractor パラディンマナリフレクター paradin mana rifurekutaa

Dark Knight Skills

Dark Knight ダークナイト daaku naito

Soul of Chaos ソウルオブカオス souru obu kaosu

Body of Chaos ボディオブカオス bodi obu kaosu

Hands of Chaos ハンズオブカオス hanzu obu kaosu

Brain of Chaos ブレインオブカオス burein obu kaosu

Dark Heavy Stander ダークヘビースタンダー daaku hebii sutandaa

Dark Natural Shield ダークナチュラルシールド daaku nacyuraru shiirudo

Dark Mana Refractor ダークマナリフレクター daaku mana rifurekutaa

Control of Darkness コントロールオブダークネス kontorooru obu daakunesu

Falcon Skills

Falcon ファルコン farukon

Fury of Connous ヒューリーオブコンヌース hyuurii obu konnuusu

Elven Magic Missile エルブンマジックミサイル erubun majikku misairu

Armor of Connous アーマーオブコンヌース aamaa obu konnuusu

Mind of Connous マインドオブコンヌース maindo obu konnuusu

Sharpness of Connous シャープネスオブコンヌース syaapunesu obu konnuusu

Connous Heavy Stander コンヌースヘビースタンダー konnuusu hebii sutandaa

Connous Natural Shield コンヌースナチュラルシールド konnuusu nacyuraru shiirudo

Connous Mana Refractor コンヌースマナリフレクター konnuusu mana rifurekutaa

Savage Beast Skill

Beast ビースト biisuto

Demon of Physis デーモンオブピシス deemon obu pishisu

Giant Full Swing ジャイアントフルスイング jyaianto furu suingu

Shield of Physis シールドオブピシス shiirudo obu pishisu

Spell of Physis スペルオブピシス superu obu pishisu

Life of Physis ライフオブピシス raifu obu pishisu

Physis Heavy Stander ピシスヘビースタンダー pishisu hebii sutandaa

Physis Natural Shield ピシスナチュラルシールド pishisu nacyuraru shiirudo

Physis Mana Refractor ピシスマナリフレクタ pishisu mana rifurekuta

Demigod and Demigod Skills:

Demigod 半神化 hanshinka

Awakening of Light 光の覚醒 hikari no kakusei

Spear of Light スピアオブライト supia obu raito

Fury of Light ヒューリーオブライト hyuurii obu raito

Shadow Spirit シャドウオブスピリット syadou obu supiritto

I am not Japanese and am still learning the language so there may be mistakes in how to pronounce some of the names. If there's no Japanese names then it is already available in the main user page. Apologies in advance if I made mistakes.


mabinogi JP wiki:

mabinogi JP in-game itself

Mabinogi Strength and Skill Simulator マビノギ スキルシミュレータ:

Hope this helps.

PS: Added Install/Uninstall Cylinder here since it is not in the main page --Luin 03:52, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

Thanks! --Jay 00:53, 17 April 2010 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Lift Tackle115:27, 25 August 2013
Transformation Mastery114:19, 25 August 2013
Nao = nee?020:15, 18 April 2013
This Page306:02, 1 May 2012

Lift Tackle


Shouldn't it be Flash Launcher?

By the way, where did Lift Tackle come from? Wasn't it called Cross Buster or something?

Infodude575 (talk)14:25, 25 August 2013

NA renamed it twice. We also renamed Shooting Rush to some stupid name but detranslated it back to Shooting Rush.

Pyro - (Talk)15:27, 25 August 2013

Transformation Mastery


You have it listed twice(Shapeshifting mastery).

Sozen Cratos Focker (talk)13:24, 25 August 2013

Thanks for pointing that out.

kaede-kit (Talk)14:19, 25 August 2013

Nao = nee?


Sorry, I'm gonna have to ask you to explain that one to me...

Doomsday31415 (talk)20:15, 18 April 2013

Shouldn't we make it into an actual page? (If KaedeKit complies.)

Pyro - (Talk)00:44, 30 April 2012

Well, I don't think she is active in either Mabinogi or the Wiki anymore. Haven't seen her in IRC as well. Best to message her and/or ask the Wiki moderators?

Luin06:05, 30 April 2012

Her last contribution was April 29th, 2012. It is now April 30th, 2012.

Pyro - (Talk)11:54, 30 April 2012

Oh ok, didn't think to check that, her user page says otherwise though xD

Luin06:02, 1 May 2012