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Forgetful Potion

From Mabinogi World Wiki

For a list of potions, see here.


Icon of Forgetful Potion
Size: 1 x 2
Stack: 100
Forgetful Potion
Effect Resets a player's Current Level and Current Exploration Level to 1 without Rebirthing.
Consumable Yes Toxicity 0

A potion that instantly resets your current level and exploration level to 1, allowing you to gain more levels without Rebirthing. It also increases your cumulative level by 1. The potency of this elixir is such that, when consumed, you cannot drink another Forgetful Potion until 7:00 AM (Server Time).


  • Can be traded[1]

Methods to Obtain

Sold By

  • Dungeon Guide Shop for 200 First Voucher.png First, Second Voucher.png Second, Third Voucher.png Third, or Fourth Voucher.png Fourth Vouchers
    • Limit 10 per Character. Expires in 24 Hours. Once a Day Variant. Bank-Tradable.
  • Various Gachapon and Events

Obtained From

Dungeon Guide

First Clear Rewards

Provides 3 Forgetful Potions that expire in 7 days.

Repeated Clear Rewards

Resell Value

  • Cannot be sold.

  1. Unless stated otherwise on the page, item variants marked as "(Event)" in their name cannot be traded.