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"No-Face" Nelson

From Mabinogi World Wiki

"No-Face" Nelson

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Name "No-Face" Nelson
Family Outlaw
Fynni Catching X
Nelson, also known as the 'shark of Belvast', is rumored to be gathering funds for a rebellion. His true identity remains hidden from all.


—Wanted Board

Nelson Dual-wields a functioning Caladbolg and a Dirk


Battle Tips

  • The thunder damage from the Caladbolg does not deal a lot of damage.
    • Dazing him will not stop the Thunder effect.
  • A simple Defense or Counterattack-spam can work with a bit of luck, keep your distance so you know when he's using Smash.
  • If you are not fighting alongside a pet, having one summoned already with Smash loaded can save you whenever he uses Final Hit.

