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For the Partner summoning attack, see Hands of Salvation.
For the tool for milling flour, see Windmill (Public).
For the Windmill enchant, see Windmill (Enchant).


Windmill.png No matter how skilled you are at close-ranged combat, it's never easy to handle multiple enemies at once. This skill helps you slip through dangerous situations. This skill is extremely useful, especially when you've been hit multiple times by the enemy and have fallen to the ground.


The red circle is the range from rank F-6. The blue is the increased range from rank 5-2.
The green circle is the range from rank 5-2. The white is the increased range from rank 1.
  • A skill that does a 360 degree spin to attack surrounding enemies, knocking them down in the process.
    • Enemies using Defense will not be knocked down.
    • The amount of time an enemy will stay downed for depends on the stun time of the weapon used.
  • If used with a Sword (excluding Rapiers), Blunt Weapon, or Axe equipped, enemies will be knocked down in place instead of being knocked back.
  • If Windmill is used against multiple enemies with no current target selected, a random target will be chosen amongst any surviving targets.
    • The target will have a reticule surrounding it.
  • Windmill ignores the target's Protection when calculating critical rate.
  • Windmill's base radius increases with the hitbox size of the user. For example, a Golem will have a gigantic Windmill radius compared to a Human character. However, Windmill's radius for all Player Races are that of a Human.
    • Character age does affect Windmill's radius by a very small factor.
  • Despite being a distance-based skill, Windmill can strike the edge of a target's hitbox rather than the center. Therefore, it can strike large enemies, such as the Giant Spider, from long distances.
    • Note that the radius is the base size of Windmill while the range is the additional radius based on the size of the user's hitbox.
  • If the player loads Windmill while being knocked back and is struck again with a melee attack, Windmill will immediately activate and cause the attack to completely miss. However, since it is impossible to attack while being knocked back, no damage will be dealt, the animation will not play, but the skill will still enter cooldown.
    • You can be attacked immediately after this occurs.
  • The spinning animation lasts for 2.3 seconds.
  • Windmill enters cooldown after attacking with it.
    • The cooldown varies by race and by rank.
  • Only Bare-Handed damage is calculated when Windmill is used with a Bow, Crossbow, Atlatl, Dual Gun or Shuriken.
  • When equipped with a Lance, the minimal distance penalty is ignored.
  • When equipped with a Knuckle, the range/radius of Windmill is reduced by approximately half.
  • Windmill does not inflict any Wounds.
  • Counterattack, Lance Counter, and Combo: Counter Punch does not work against Windmill.
  • Windmill cannot normally stop Charge.
    • Charge may be stopped with windmill if Windmill executes on a different target while the Charging player is within the radius.
  • Windmill cannot counter Doppelganger as its first hit renders the user invulnerable to attack.
  • Windmill will always reset a monster's AI, causing them to act as though they have just aggroed the user. For example, Goblins and Kobolds will run away and Flying Swords will cast Lightning Bolt.
  • Unlike most area of effect skills, Windmill only causes one enemy to aggro instead of all.
    • If that target is killed by Windmill, other enemies will not aggro until the corpse despawns. However, if the killing Windmill hits other enemies, one of them will aggro.
      • Because Windmill only causes one target to aggro, players can abuse Windmill against other enemies without retaliation until the corpse disappears.
  • Some monsters with Windmill loaded will not immediately execute it when the player comes in range, but will so if the player tries to use a melee attack against it.
  • Windmill can be used as a counterattack after being knocked back simply by loading the skill; it will automatically activate upon being attacked with melee. Do not trigger it manually.
    • In other circumstances, players may hold down the left mouse button (around their feet) while loading Windmill in order to execute the skill as soon as a target is in range.
      • Players with high latency may be unable to do this.
  • Players with high Combat Power may find this skill more difficult to train at later ranks due to the large volume of kills required to train it.
  • Windmill will always automatically execute if the target is struck by a Chain 1 or Chain 2 fighter skill while it is loaded.
    • If the target is in the process of being knocked back, Chain 1 and Chain 2 fighter skills will still cause Windmill to execute and the Chain skill to be negated, however it will have no effect as a target being knocked back cannot attack.
  • The following skills can be loaded in the spinning animation phase of Windmill: Defense, Final Hit, Healing, Magic Shield, First Aid, Thunder, Charge, Playing Instrument, Control of Darkness, Rock Throwing, Throwing Attack, Elven Magic Missile, Giant Full Swing, Barrier Spikes, Classic Spirit Weapon Awakening, Blaze, Life Drain, Shock, Wings of Rage, Shadow Spirit, Spear of Light, Fury of Light, Charging Strike, Tumble, Pierrot Marionette, Colossus Marionette, Control Marionette, Reload, Grapple Shot, Bullet Slide, Way of the Gun, Doppelganger, and Anchor Rush.
    • Do note that the skill used after Windmill is considered active after the spinning animation, which means you still can be hit while Defense is loaded.

Skill Issues

  • Using Windmill may result in nothing happening, although the skill will still be put in cooldown.
    • This happens often after using Normal Attacks that knockdown an enemy, clicking out of the animation, and then using Windmill shortly after.
    • The skill misfires due to being "stuck" in another animation.
  • When attacked immediately after loading Windmill, the skill may "activate" with nothing happening and enter cooldown.
    • This is caused by the "counterattack" part of Windmill.
  • Using Windmill while transitioning into cutscenes will cause the player to be stuck in place.
    • The only way to resolve this is to channel change or relog.


Rank F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dan 1 Dan 2 Dan 3
Required AP (Human/Giant) 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 18 20 22 24 30 7 10 15
Required AP (Human/Giant Total) 3 7 11 15 20 26 33 41 51 63 81 101 123 147 177 184 194 209
Required AP (Elf) 0 1 2 4 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 10 15
Required AP (Elf Total) 0 1 3 7 14 25 37 50 64 79 95 112 130 149 169 176 186 201
Additional Str (Total) +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +7 +9 +11 +13 +15 +18 +21 +24 +27 +30
Additional Will (Total) +3 +6 +9 +12 +15 +18 +21 +24 +27 +30 +34 +38 +42 +46 +50
Human/Giant Damage [%] 170 180 190 200 210 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 430 460 500
Elf Damage [%] 170 175 180 185 190 195 205 215 225 235 250 265 280 300 320 350 380 420
Stamina Use 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Load Time [sec] 0
Cooldown Time [sec] Human 4 3.5
Elf 4.5 4
Giant 3.5 3
Radius Anything 360 480 600
Knuckles ~140 ~240 ~360
Range Anything 120% 144% 180%
Knuckles ~48% ~60% ~72%
Skill CP (Total) 0 5 10 15 30 50 70 90 120 150 180 220 250 300 350 400 450 500
Stat CP (Total) 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 16 19.5 23 26.5 30 35 40 45 50 55

Obtaining the Skill


Rewarded for completing the Tutorial Quest Battle in Erinn.

Other Methods

  • Complete the quest Ranald's Armor Delivery
Ranald's Armor Delivery
How to Get Quest

Talk to Ranald with the Skills Keyword with Rank F(?) Defense.

Briefing If you deliver this armor to Ferghus, I'll give you help with the Windmill skill. - Ranald -
  • 5 Experience Points
  • Windmill Skill

Training Method


  • When training multiple hits/kills, the player must hit four or more targets. To fulfill the "kill" condition, the player must finish all four targets simultaneously. At least one must be "Strong" while the rest are either lower or equal in power or else you will not receive the points.
    • Making a one person party and setting finish rule to "Anyone in Party," can greatly speed up the process. Pile 4 or more dead monsters near each other and then finish them with Windmill, provided that a monster of the group is a Strong monster.
    • Enthralling Performance can also gather up monsters easily.
  • "Counterattack with Windmill" does not actually mean to use the Counterattack skill. Instead, the requirement is fulfilled by preparing the skill while being knocked down or back (usually against a wall) by an opponent. As soon as the skill is finished loading, it will automatically execute as long as a target is within range. This is how to fulfill the "Counterattack with windmill" requirement in earlier ranks.
    • Players may use the Rock Throwing action to attract and prevent killing weaker monsters. Likewise, Giants with the Taunt Skill can also attract and prevent killing monsters.
    • Another method to more easily fulfill the "Counterattack with windmill" requirement is to find an enemy with a high hit count, such as a Zombie or Zombie Soldier, and allow it to hit you while you repeatedly attempt to load the Windmill skill.
  • Tir Chonaill (Another World) is an ideal spot for training Windmill, since the Zombies in the graveyard usually appear as Boss for low-leveled players and can fulfill training requirements in higher levels.
  • Kitchen Dungeon is another good training area since the monsters have low health, very high CP, and spawn in large numbers, but be aware that their protection must be reduced first.
    • Their Method
      • The Zombie Solider's slow shamble makes them amenable to herding and their high protection against archery attacks means they can be attacked repeatedly without killing them.
    • Baltane Missions
      • Nowhere to Run mission is popular choice for endless enemy and minimal movement. UsingBaltane Training Bomb Mobs gain one level combat for limited time.

Rank F

  AP Stat Effect
Human 3 Strength +1, Will +3 170% damage
Elf 0 Strength +1, Will +3 170% damage
Giant 3 Strength +1, Will +3 170% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Attack an enemy. 40.00 2 80.00
Defeat an enemy. 40.00 2 80.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00

Rank E

  AP Stat Effect
Human 4 Strength +1, Will +3 180% damage
Elf 1 Strength +1, Will +3 175% damage
Giant 4 Strength +1, Will +3 180% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Attack an enemy. 20.00 3 60.00
Defeat an enemy. 20.00 3 60.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00

Rank D

  AP Stat Effect
Human 4 Strength +1, Will +3 190% damage
Elf 2 Strength +1, Will +3 180% damage
Giant 4 Strength +1, Will +3 190% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Attack an enemy. 16.00 4 64.00
Defeat an enemy. 16.00 4 64.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00

Rank C

  AP Stat Effect
Human 4 Strength +1, Will +3 200% damage
Elf 4 Strength +1, Will +3 185% damage
Giant 4 Strength +1, Will +3 200% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Attack an enemy. 10.00 5 50.00
Defeat an enemy. 10.00 5 50.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 80.00 1 80.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00

Rank B

  AP Stat Effect
Human 5 Strength +1, Will +3 210% damage
Elf 7 Strength +1, Will +3 190% damage
Giant 5 Strength +1, Will +3 210% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Attack an enemy. 8.00 7 56.00
Defeat an enemy. 8.00 7 56.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 64.00 1 64.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 100.00 1 100.00

Rank A

  AP Stat Effect
Human 6 Strength +2, Will +3 220% damage
Elf 11 Strength +2, Will +3 195% damage
Giant 6 Strength +2, Will +3 220% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 13.60 8 108.80
Attack 4 or more enemies. 40.00 1 40.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 80.00 1 80.00

Rank 9

  AP Stat Effect
Human 7 Strength +2, Will +3 240%, Cooldown Time Decreases
Elf 12 Strength +2, Will +3 205%, Cooldown Time Decreases
Giant 7 Strength +2, Will +3 240%, Cooldown Time Decreases
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 12.00 9 108.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 32.00 1 32.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 64.00 1 64.00

Rank 8

  AP Stat Effect
Human 8 Strength +2, Will +3 260% damage
Elf 13 Strength +2, Will +3 215% damage
Giant 8 Strength +2, Will +3 260% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 10.00 10 100.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 24.00 1 24.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 48.00 1 48.00

Rank 7

  AP Stat Effect
Human 10 Strength +2, Will +3 280% damage
Elf 14 Strength +2, Will +3 225% damage
Giant 10 Strength +2, Will +3 280% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 8.00 13 104.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 20.00 1 20.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 32.00 1 32.00

Rank 6

  AP Stat Effect
Human 12 Strength +2, Will +3 300% damage
Elf 15 Strength +2, Will +3 235% damage
Giant 12 Strength +2, Will +3 300% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 8.00 13 104.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 16.00 2 32.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 30.40 2 60.80

Rank 5

  AP Stat Effect
Human 18 Strength +3, Will +4 320% damage, Increased Range
Elf 16 Strength +3, Will +4 250% damage, Increased Range
Giant 18 Strength +3, Will +4 320% damage, Increased Range
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 6.40 16 102.40
Attack 4 or more enemies. 14.40 2 28.80
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 28.80 2 57.60

Rank 4

  AP Stat Effect
Human 20 Strength +3, Will +4 340% damage
Elf 17 Strength +3, Will +4 265% damage
Giant 20 Strength +3, Will +4 340% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 5.60 19 106.40
Attack 4 or more enemies. 12.80 2 25.60
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 25.60 2 51.60

Rank 3

  AP Stat Effect
Human 22 Strength +3, Will +4 360% damage
Elf 18 Strength +3, Will +4 280% damage
Giant 22 Strength +3, Will +4 360% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 4.00 25 100.00
Attack 4 or more enemies. 11.20 2 22.40
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 22.40 2 44.80

Rank 2

  AP Stat Effect
Human 24 Strength +3, Will +4 380% damage
Elf 19 Strength +3, Will +4 300% damage
Giant 24 Strength +3, Will +4 380% damage
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 3.20 32 102.40
Attack 4 or more enemies. 9.60 3 28.80
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 19.20 2 38.40

Rank 1

  AP Stat Effect
Human 30 Strength +3, Will +4 400% damage, Increased Range
Elf 20 Strength +3, Will +4 320% damage, Increased Range
Giant 30 Strength +3, Will +4 400% damage, Increased Range
Method Exp. Count Total
Defeat an enemy. 1.60 63 100.80
Attack 4 or more enemies. 4.00 5 20.00
Defeat 4 or more enemies. 16.00 3 48.00

Master Title

the Master of Windmill

  • Protection +3
  • Will +10
  • Luck +10
  • HP -20
  • Str -10

Related Enchants

Name Type, Rank Enchants Onto Effect(s) Comes On/From
48th Floor
Suffix, 3 One-handed Melee Weapons
Critical +7%
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +28~35
When Critical Hit is Rank 1 or higher Min Damage +25~30
x2 Repair Cost
Note: Formerly known as "48th Floor's"
Enchant Scroll (SAO Gachapon)
Suffix, 4 One-handed Melee Weapons
Balance +10%
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +25~30
Min Damage +15
When Combat Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Strength +13~18
When Smash is Rank 1 or higher Will +12
x2 Repair Cost
Exclusive Enchant Scroll (Peaca Abyss Advanced, Rabbie Phantasm Dungeon)
Barbarian Suffix, A Two-handed Weapons
When Critical Hit is Rank 9 or higher Critical +6%
When Windmill is Rank 7 or higher Max Damage +13
Defense -5
+8% Repair Cost
Enchant Scroll (Rundal Advanced Hardmode Reward)
Bear Hunter Prefix, A Weapons
When Windmill is Rank 9 or higher Max Damage +6~9
Max HP +100
When Smash is Rank 9 or higher Min Damage +6~9
Belligerent Suffix, B Weapons
When Windmill is Rank B or higher Max HP +10
When Level is 15 or higher Strength +5
When Level is 20 or lower Max Stamina -5
Note: Formerly known as "Fierce"
Prefix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +15~32
When Smash is Rank 1 or higher Min Damage +15
When Evasion is Rank 6 or higher Strength +20~45
x3 Repair Cost
Prefix, 4 Two-handed Weapons
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +20~25
When Final Hit is Rank 1 or higher Min Damage +10~15
When Evasion is Rank 6 or higher Strength +40
x3 Repair Cost
Deadly Blow
Prefix, 1 One-handed Melee Weapons
When Charge is Dan 2 or higher Critical +10%
When Windmill is Dan 2 or higher Max Damage +18~23
When Assault Slash is Dan 1 or higher Min Damage +10~17
When Combat Mastery is Dan 3 or higher Strength +20
When Smash is Dan 3 or higher Will +12
x2 Repair Cost
Reward for obtaining Dan 3 in all Combat skills
Suffix, 3 One-handed Melee Weapons
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Critical +5~8%
When Combat Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +8~15
When Smash is Rank 1 or higher Strength +10
x2 Repair Cost
Exclusive Enchant Scroll (White Dragon Raid, Fiodh Intermediate Reward), Enchant Scroll (Divine Gachapon)
Suffix, 8 Accessories
When Snap Cast is Rank 1 or higher Magic Attack +3
When Light Armor Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Magic Defense +1~2
When Defense is Rank 1 or higher Magic Protection +1~2
When Sword Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +5
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max HP +100
Exclusive Enchant Scroll (Erinn Merchants' Guild Souvenir Box)
Hesitant Prefix, A Weapons
When Windmill is Rank C or higher Max Injury Rate +6%
Critical -2%
Enchant Scroll (Iria Exploration)
Lethal Suffix, 9 Two-handed Weapons
When Windmill is Rank 9 or higher Critical +15%
When Smash is Rank 9 or higher Dexterity +5
When Combat Mastery is Rank B or higher Balance -40%
Note: Formerly known as "Deadly (Rank 9 Suffix)".
Prefix, 5 Gauntlets
Attack Speed +2~4
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +5
When Windmill is Rank 6 or higher Max Damage +5
When Evasion is Rank 6 or higher Max Stamina +10
Reckless Prefix, 9 Fomor Bows, Fomor Crossbows
When Age is 16 or lower Critical +5%
When Evasion is Rank D or higher Max Damage +3~6
When Windmill is Rank 9 or higher Max Damage +3~6
Defense -4
x2 Repair Cost
Trade Assistant Imp's Shop (100,000 Ducats)
Prefix, 4 Handgear, Footwear
When Critical Hit is Rank 1 or higher Critical +5~10%
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +8~17
x2 Repair Cost
Snowfall Prefix, 8 Bows, Crossbows
When Level is 30 or higher Critical +10%
When Magnum Shot is Rank 6 or higher Max Damage +4
When Windmill is Rank 6 or higher Min Damage +4
Luck -20
+12% Repair Cost
Prefix, 3 One-handed Melee Weapons
When Critical Hit is Rank 1 or higher Critical +5~10%
When Assault Slash is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +15~39
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Strength +57
x3 Repair Cost
Suffix, 3 One-handed Melee Weapons
When Bash is Rank 1 or higher Critical +7%
When Windmill is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +20~39
Max HP +55
When Critical Hit is Rank 1 or higher Min Damage +10~28
x3 Repair Cost
Suspicious Prefix, B Weapons
When Windmill is Rank F or higher Max Injury Rate +3%
Critical -1%
Violent Suffix, A Two-handed Weapons
Critical +5%
When Windmill is Rank 6 or higher Max Damage +20
Luck -20
-3% Repair Cost
Weird Prefix, 9 Weapons
When Windmill is Rank 9 or higher Max Injury Rate +9%
Critical -3%
Note: Formerly known as "Strange (Rank 9 Prefix)".
Enchant Scroll (Iria Exploration)
Windmill Suffix, 8 Weapons
When Windmill is Rank A or higher Max Stamina +10
When Windmill is Rank A or higher Strength +3
When Defense is Rank C or higher Protection -5
Enchant Scroll (Fiodh Intermediate and Rundal Siren Treasure Rooms, Their Method), Advanced Weapon (Edern), Hatchet (Ciar Advanced Treasure Rooms)


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Note: Once an item is personalized by an enchant, the personalization is permanent, even if the personalizing enchant is later overwritten by another enchant.