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Girgashiy (Winged Form)

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Girgashiy (Winged Form)

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Name Girgashiy (Winged Form)
Family Girgashiy
Fynni Catching X

The Girgashiy is a mutated human affected by otherworldly light. This one has been completed, and can use all of its abilities.

Battle Tips


  • Girgashiy's Staff Swing is the only skill with a fixed damage, others having a (%) based damage calculated on the player's Max HP.
    • Players may lower Girgashiy's protection by any means possible (Ex: Spinning Uppercut, Bone Dragon pet summon, etc.) for better damage output against the Apostle.
  • It will use Mineral Hail approximately every 40 seconds, dealing damage of 25% (Easy) / 50% (Solo/Normal) / 105% (Hard/Very Hard) of the player's Max HP.
  • It is good to have a healer (Either through Party Healing or someone with Harmonic Saint Arcana active) in the squad to avoid unnecessary deaths on the squad.
  • It is good to bring Fast Guns in one of the gear slots to counter Fanaticism and Holy Confinement.


  • It also has a passive damage reduction which reduces damage by 75%.
  • It will frequently cast Holy Contagion on the player if its HP is between 5%~79.99%.
    • It is recommended to have reliable means of healing yourself due to how often Girgashiy will cast it if the player cannot chip its HP down fast.
  • It will frequently use Fanaticism if its HP is between 5~59.99%.
    • NPC Archers and pets can constantly hit Girgashiy to free the player.


  • It has a passive damage reduction which reduces all damage by 98%.
  • It will frequently cast Holy Contagion on some players if its HP is between 60~79.99% and 5~24.99%.
    • It can be spread to others, if they enter the purple circle.
  • It will frequently cast Holy Confinement on some players if its HP is between 40~59.99% and 5~24.99%.
    • Crystals have a 200HP and can be shattered by squad members or pets.
  • It will frequently use Fanaticism if its HP is between 20~39.99%.


  • It will frequently cast Holy Contagion on some players if its HP is between 70.00~84.99% and 25.00~34.99%.
  • It will frequently cast Holy Confinement on some players if its HP is between 55.00~69.99% and 25.00~34.99%.
    • Crystals have a 600HP and can be shattered by squad members or pets.
  • It will frequently use Fanaticism if its HP is between 40.00~54.99%.
  • It will frequently use Soul Absorption if its HP is between 5.00~24.99%.
    • Each absorbed soul heals 2% of Girgashiy's Max HP.


  • It has a passive damage reduction which reduces all damage by 98%.
  • It will cast Soul Absorption if its HP is between 5.00~34.99%.

Very Hard

  • In addition to its base protection, it also has a passive damage reduction which reduces damage by 96%.
  • It has much stronger skills:
    • Staff Swing has a wound rate of 100%, and can deal very high damage around 600-750.
    • Mineral Hail's casting pushes players a further distance.
    • Holy Contagion has a significantly larger spread radius of 800 and a faster tick rate of 0.75 seconds.
    • Holy Confinement's minerals have significantly higher health and defensive stats.
    • Fanaticism can deal upwards of 700,000 damage and gains a buff which reduces damage received to zero if successful.
    • Soul Absorption will heal 7% of its maximum Health per soul.
  • When its health is below 91%, it will summon Peridot Crystal Wolves and Peridot Crystal Boars.
  • Summons three Girgashiy Fledglings when its health is below 31%.



Track Title
The Land Quakes Before the Divine
Girgashiy encounter theme
Promotional track used for the G19 Trailer


  • The Original Sin Staff is shaped after Girgashiy's staff.
  • The Diamond wings were modeled after Girgashiy's. Their Spread Wings animation also shows the same floating diamonds near the wings.
  • A number of Eidos pieces were modeled after Girgashiy.


