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Someone should create a page here. Here's some info ~kotarou3 (talk) 12:08, 25 April 2010 (UTC)

Bump? ~kotarou3 TALKCONTRIBS 18:20, 19 August 2010 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Sigh2115:55, 4 March 2014
hurrhurr001:19, 3 March 2014
Morgant/Lugh1521:54, 28 December 2012
G16 Role?1111:01, 17 June 2012
Lavada and Lámhfhada215:47, 15 December 2011
Blank222:11, 22 March 2011

Not again...

  • Comparison to original Macbeth
    • How is it "useless"? It explains the differences between the original and Mabinogi's interpretation on it and gives information about the original context; kill two birds with one stone.
  • Race interpretation
    • I thought we resolved this on Talk:Gods: the NPCs have praised Lugh as a God, even though he actually claims to be a human. Also, Tarlach's Record has indeed caused confusion on Lugh being a Milletian, and what's written is to clarify what the book meant.
Infodude575 (talk)23:24, 2 March 2014

The Tarlach's record can also be interpreted so that it refers to the players as the knight of light, rather than Lugh. As we are also calleed the Knight of Light in G3 and supposedly when speaking to NPCs with the G3 title on(?). There isn't enough evidence to say Lugh is a god, milletian, or human, if you ask me. But there isn't enough evidence to the contrary to say he cannot be. Just don't include definites like "he is", "he isn't", or failing to mention it at all, if you ask me. (I know you didn't, I should stop doing this. . .)

Kapra - (Talk)00:28, 3 March 2014

If you want to draw the line...simply call him a Human with superior power/intellect...his actions echoed throughout the land and his story was told countless times, with many exaggerations. He could very well still be a human of old age, who's gone mad, or cynical if you will. Granted, I don't have enough evidence to support this, but from his looks, he's clearly human. I'm also pretty positive of race stating what he is as of now...rather than what he was in the past. Mabye he's a demigod, hell should I know.


I agree, the lack of mention won't bode well.

Infodude575 (talk)10:55, 3 March 2014

I, personally, would have left it at Human for both Lugh and Morgant. They are still human, just with superior strength/intellect. Honestly, it'll end up boiling down to the in-game information.


I think there's too much contradictions to leave it as "Human."

Infodude575 (talk)13:26, 3 March 2014

Well it's up to the wiki community to statement still stands about drawing the line at just Human, regardless of all the books since he is only human. This applies to Morgant too.


While we're on the subject of Tarlach's Record:

This book is a collection of data I have gathered over some time, especially from stories told by the Knight of Light, who has, incidentally, returned to Erinn most recently.


The part where it says "stories" and "returned to Erinn". It's probably leading to a speculation-wormhole, but

  • Has Lugh EVER preached about the Milletian race? Did any Tuatha de Danann NPC know about the Milletians before we shoved the book into Eavan/Aodhan's hands?
  • Lugh the Knight of Light didn't return during G3. Morgant, in a way, even said he's gone.
Infodude575 (talk)14:50, 3 March 2014

It may refer to the Milletian. Lugh had already vanished. Knight of Light may be referred to as a title, rather than Lugh himself.


Yes, that's my conclusion (and Kapra's I think) as well. But no, its one of those things people on the IRC call "crap". In any case, I've pointed out critical points in the book that may be driving to the player and not Lugh.

Infodude575 (talk)23:23, 3 March 2014

It's "crap" because it's still all your speculation and interpretation (plus bad writing evidently). It's this sort of thing that leads to the rubbish we had on Aer's page about her possibly being Macha which was specifically removed by an admin.

Mystickskye (talk)00:01, 4 March 2014

You guys have nothing to say to the Macbeth comparison?

Infodude575 (talk)14:22, 3 March 2014

I never read MacBeth all the way through ._.


That was one of the aims of the comparison.

Infodude575 (talk)14:33, 3 March 2014

There was way too much information with the referencing. I'd just reference it once to bring up the the original, and maybe again somewhere saying that the story in mabi doesn't follow the play exactly.

Yinato (talk)14:42, 3 March 2014

If people want to read about Macbeth then they can go read Macbeth.

Mystickskye (talk)19:54, 3 March 2014

So, kick people out the door?

I'm puzzled as to why you haven't taken out any other Shakespeare similarities or information of things based on the Celtic Myth.

Infodude575 (talk)23:19, 3 March 2014

Because you put on Mabiwiki: The Drama whenever I try. The only people that really care that we keep it on the wiki are people like you. If we deleted all the trivia the only people that would really be upset would be the people that wrote it in in the first place and nothing of value would be lost.

Mystickskye (talk)00:00, 4 March 2014

Like I said earlier, make small (in word count) references to the Shakespearean counterparts.

ie. "Laertes is based on the Shakespearean character of the same name from the play Hamlet."
list all similarities, then differences

Yinato (talk)02:54, 4 March 2014

I don't want to read Macbeth, but I don't mind random info about it. Though, I don't think we need the trivia section to be pointlessly long and Lugh's is long enough already.

Nise Panda (talk)20:01, 3 March 2014

Considering how loosely based it is for G16...It's hard to tell what's actually from MacBeth. I'm sure there are some super awesome analysis online regarding MacBeth in terms of symbolism and such...I just care not for Shakespearean plays outside of Romeo and Juliet...and maybe Julius Caesar. And Lugh's trivia will need to be trimmed...immensely trimmed.


You don't know for a fact what the book meant so stop saying that you do. We don't write maybes into the wiki. If you're going to write it in then write it properly.

EDIT: Whups, wrong reply button. This is to info, not you Kapra.

Mystickskye (talk)01:08, 3 March 2014



At g16 lugh returns to conspire over the throne of tara, but tecnically at earlier generations he and morgant are the same person so the lugh presented in g16 looks crazy and less wise than morgant were before.

He went mad because of Bellas mind control or he is not Morgant?

Aria09:53, 17 June 2012

He IS Morgant. In Usurp the Throne, Lugh asks if you're going to interfere again. That's an obvious indication.

So he probably went mad with the mind control. Lugh killing Bella in the finale indicates insanity.

Infodude57510:55, 17 June 2012

Oh yea he kicks you after that line i just didnt notice the remark on "again" that makes things clear thanks.

Aria11:17, 17 June 2012

Ok.. I don't believe that that G16 Lugh is a Morgant.

Like Aria said, he did returned. But DevCAT made a stupid mistakes about this Morgant/Lugh.

It's like this. the error between those two. Propably G16 Lugh is a fake.

  • It is unknown what happened to Morgant and Triona after G3.
  • He never mentioned about his previous identity of Morgant.
  • He doesn't hold his Pragarah as a one handed sword or Morgant's battle mode.(Like Paladin)
  • We all know that Lugh's appearance is a Champion(dark and white wing).(Except his ghost is a Holy Knight) In G16, he revealed his face for the first time.
  • He could be a Doppelganger or a Homunculus. Because Morgant cannot return to Lugh without acutal reason. Or the Lugh ghost + the history of Lugh > secretly created/Revive by Formorians or the dark alchemist.

(This one is just my opinion. Lugh's return in G16 doesn't make any sense.)

  • Somehow in G16 Lugh describes that he hates Morrighan, but Cichol too. During the Morgant time, he did work with Cichol. but he said he also using the Cichol as a tool.
  • He lacks Transform and Teleportation. But using a Monster version of Life Drain. This might explain that he is a Doppelganger or a Homunculus.
  • Most of his dialouge in G16 is a Macbeth line. He never mentioned about Ruairi or or himself as a Morgant.
  • NOBODY did not mentioned of Morgant. But known as a Dark Lord in G16. This could be possible that Morgant/Lugh are the separated characters.
  • His height is less bigger than Morgant(Even though the armor looks big.)
  • He disappeared with his Pragarah after final fight in G16. Probably he was a remnant of real Lugh or a Doppelganger or a Homunculus like a said it twice..-o-a;;

  • He did not revealed his true goal when he was a Morgant. But in G16 Lugh, his true ultimate goal was to rid the world of all living beings. Which makes him a Cliché Antagonist -o-a;;

And Remember what Morgant said....

...I cannot see what the future holds for you. But I can tell you this. Light and darkness...those are two different names of the same thing....The moment God enters the picture of the humans in the name of goodness and will run into me again. —Morgant

In G16 HE DID RETURNED. But not as Morgant, but Lugh the Knight of Light. Not as Light and Darkness, but True Paladin and Famed/Fallen Paladin. Funny thing is Morgant refused to call him his real name. So The question is... WHY he returned like this form? :P

Ok..... if there is a One thing that Lugh is real... All I can say is..

  • In Taillteann, there is a statue of Lugh Lavada. holding a long sword, instead of Pragarah.
 In G16, he stabbed Shakespeare with his long sword. instead of Pragarah again.
KorMabiUser (talk)12:22, 26 December 2012

It's pretty safe to say DevCAT is run by idiots.

Also, Eirawen announces that "Lugh" was a Fomor imposter, so that could be right.

Infodude575 (talk)12:30, 26 December 2012

I hope Eirawen is right...

Now all we need to know is what happened those two(Morgant and Triona).

P.S. In Korea, DevCAT announced that Ruairi will return soon in G18.

    Lugh and Triona? ...piff... I'm not sure. they never mentioned..D:
KorMabiUser (talk)12:40, 26 December 2012
Spoiler icon.png This part of the current article contains spoilers.

This isn't the place to speculate on storyline. Also, newer animations, character models, character portraits, skill animations, etc are not viable things to base theory on. For example, Pierrick had a different character model in G8 than in Taillteann in KR (and maybe NA, I don't remember). And Esras wears the exact same things as the Priestess in the Tara church, but their clothing looks slightly different. Why? Better artists, improvements in aesthetics is natural. Also, he did say why he came back, he was getting revenge on Humanity for Triona's unexplained death. And I don't recall Lugh or Morgant saying he wanted ALL life to perish?

Pyro - (Talk)21:09, 27 December 2012

My bad about specualate on storyline.

But I didn't know that Pierrick had a different char model. <I guess I didn't play mabinogi that time.

KorMabiUser (talk)23:19, 27 December 2012

In G8, Pierrick was skipping around Dugald Aisle, or something like that.

Infodude575 (talk)23:31, 27 December 2012
Cichol... Morrighan... The Milletians... Soon they will all be destroyed.


—Lugh, Tower of Death

Infodude575 (talk)21:30, 27 December 2012

But Lugh had different intentions than Cichol and it was just a premonition, not a straight out statement of desire.

Pyro - (Talk)21:54, 28 December 2012
Edited by author.
Last edit: 23:46, 27 December 2012

He worked with Cichol..and then he wants to destroy everything..........Cliché..I guess..OTL

KorMabiUser (talk)23:20, 27 December 2012

So, why did he want to overthrow the very kingdom he protected?

I heard he and Bella plotted all this crap and convinced Shakespeare to help them?

Infodude57511:59, 22 February 2012

I read somewhere (through my horrible translation skills) something about betrayal. I may have misread it, or translated it on my own pretty badly. But right now, I'm trying really hard to not spoil g16 for myself, at least until I heard Lugh was in it. then it was like "must RESIST TEMP...TA...TION! *ragequit*" I think it was a korean forum or...something.

Mikaya13:20, 22 February 2012


I think Mabidata had a few things on him, but all it said was plotting.

Infodude57513:36, 22 February 2012

I probably will end up spoiling it for myself, but I saw the stuff on Mabidata. I don't think it would be enough to draw "accurate" conclusions...

Mikaya13:40, 22 February 2012

He's probably still mad about Fiodh... But seriously, I doubt that's why. But he has been given a lot of reasons to betray humans if you know what I mean.

Pyro - (Talk)14:18, 22 February 2012

What happened in Fiodh? o-o

Infodude57515:28, 22 February 2012

Wait wait wait... Lugh, king? Doesn't that mean he has control over the Aliech Kingdom already? o-o

Infodude57509:33, 23 February 2012

He "had" control over the Aliech Kingdom. (Until he gave it up.) That's why he is so openly accepted as the next king once Ethan Mac Cuill...

Pyro - (Talk)15:00, 23 February 2012

Perhaps Lugh is another Guardian of Avon...?

Infodude57520:54, 27 March 2012

Spoiler alert :p

As seen in g16 he apears along with Bella believing shes Triona, bella uses shakespeare and lugh to fufill her plots but shes receiving order from Morrighan.

And Lugh takes the throne of Tara forfeiting the princess life but sending assasins after her shortly, he does a pact with peaca monsters and finish up going insane at the end after realizing that Bella was tricking him.

Aria09:47, 17 June 2012

Read the dates, this conversation was months ago.

Pyro - (Talk)11:01, 17 June 2012

Lavada and Lámhfhada


I think it's Lavada rather than Lámhfhada. Korean servers are known to use direct spellings, while North America claimed to have directly translated it and then reworded it.

Infodude57518:51, 14 December 2011

That's why I originally left it as just "Lugh" for page name. Best we wait until it reaches NA?

Pyro - (Talk)18:52, 14 December 2011

G3 also calls him Lavada. [1]

Infodude57515:47, 15 December 2011

Was this page purposely left blank? I am asking to know if I should work on it.

Pyro03:23, 15 March 2011

i think this belongs to glossary....

Fallenone12:20, 15 March 2011

Done. I also redirected the other names he goes by as well.

Pyro22:11, 22 March 2011