For a list of the Guardian of Ruins family, see here.
Guardian of Ruins (Enchanting)
Melee Hits
Running Speed
Detection Speed
Detection Range
Will attack unprovokedYes100
Smash Click this icon for the page on Smash. 100 Counterattack Click this icon for the page on Counterattack. 100 Defense Click this icon for the page on Defense. 100 Human Ranged Attack Click this icon for the page on Human Ranged Attack. 100 Summon Golem Click this icon for the page on Summon Golem. 100 Mirage Missile Click this icon for the page on Mirage Missile. 100 Windmill Click this icon for the page on Windmill. 100 Heavy Stander Click this icon for the page on Heavy Stander.Rank 1 100 Natural Shield (Monster) Click this icon for the page on Natural Shield (Monster).Rank 3 100
Hit Points
Melee Damage
Ranged Damage
Def. (Prot.)
Combat Power
? (10%)
[show]Notes & Advice
- Rides a horse.
- Wields a Hooked Cutlass for melee combat.
- Can melee (kick) you while using its bow if you're close to it.
- Final Hit will stun BOTH the horse and the Guardian.
- Spamming normal melee attack (N+1 works too) will result in the disruption of all of his ranged attacks and his weapon change, if you are quick.
- Ranged attack then run also works well, he doesn't chase unless you go near.
- An easy way to defeat him is to summon a pet set to "Collaborative Attack Mode". Then, when he summons his pet, send yours after it WHILE YOU CONTINUE TO ATTACK HIM. Your pet should do a normal on his horse, then run to help you with the Guardian. As his horse charges up to attack your pet, attack it. If done properly, you can switch targets with your pet like this repeatedly, and neither of you will get hurt.
- When he's mounted on the horse use range attack from max distance of at least a short bow and continuously shoot his horse to damage him without him retaliating but also be cautious once he's dead and his horse isn't it will aggro you.
- Doesn't aggro if you use Mirage Missile on him from maximum range while he's mounted. It's possible to MM him the death without him ever aggroing.
- The horse will aggro if you kill the guardian, no matter how you do it (assuming the the horse survives at all).
- When he's summoned the horse but hasn't yet mounted, his only goal is to reach and mount the horse.
- If you can reach him then, you can push him away with melee spam and he almost never attacks.
- Sometimes if you lock onto him before he mounts and hold the lock as he gets on, your attack will dislodge him.
- Knockdown attacks can work too
- If you successfully initiate it, this tactic is almost foolproof.
- However, if he does manage to get in a hit, it usually means that 'almost' is happening.
- Use caution when he has his sword out.
- You can't fool him by just killing the horse.
- If he does manage to mount, this tactic can work until the horse dies, but at that point he'll be free to attack.
- You can reach him at the correct time by just sprinting for him as soon as the cutscene ends.
- Note that if this tactic fails, you will lose the element of surprise.