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  • IGN: Cosmic
  • Server: Ruairi
  • Guild: Fruity
Nemm's Drawing

Cosmic's Corner

Backstory Notes

Races: Gods, Dragons (Stronger than Tier 2 and 3 gods, but not the absolute god; however artifacts of the absolute god such as the heart of courcle, caliburn, irinid bolt, etc. are strong enough to overcome them), Partholons (Extinct race killed by disease, their king, original owner of Caliburn (Sword given by the absolute god to protect) survived, but lives a cursed life, their ghosts and guardians (Python Army) remain; Tuatha De Danaans (Every NPC, excluding gods, fomors, dragons, partholons, and milletians); Milettians (All players)

Former Alliances: Cichol + Cromm vs. Tuatha + Gods; Cromm Cruaich turns Morrighan into stone in G1
                          Tiers of Gods
                              Tier 1
                    Aton Cimeni - The Absolute God
                              Tier 2
       Lymilark, God of Love - Hymerark, God of Freedom & Tribulation - Jeamiderark, God of Peace
                              Tier 3
       Nuadha, King of Tier 3 gods 
       Morrighan, Goddess of War & Revenge
       Macha, Goddess of Destruction & Terror(Commited suicide after being betrayed by a man she fell in love in when during a period in which she became mortal)
       Neamhain, Goddess of Light (Great Spirit of Irinid who used the Heart of Courcle to create Iria, Elves, and Giants) 
       Cichol, God of the Fomors
       Manannan Mac Lir, God of the Sea & Protector of Seafarers
       Goibne, God of Blacksmiths
       Aengus, Minor God of Love (Cupid)
       Dian, Goddess of Healing?
       Nao, Navigator & Guider of Souls?
           Adniel, Crumena(Bipedal), Cromm Cruaich(Bipedal), Legatus(Bipedal), Bhafel, Languhirus

Cumulative Generational AP & CP & Stat Calculations


Total                      = 1147 AP,  64.0 CP, 24 HP, 32 SP, 48 MP

Alchemy Mastery        F→9 =   36 AP,  21.0 CP, 28 SP, 14 MP
Mana Crystallization       =  227 AP,  15.0 CP, 30 MP
Barrier Spikes             =  153 AP,   0.0 CP
Golem Summon               =  201 AP,   0.0 CP
Fragmentation              =   52 AP,   2.0 CP,  4 SP
Synthesis                  =   38 AP,   2.0 CP,  4 MP
Water Cannon               =  152 AP,   0.0 CP
Life Drain             F→6 =  114 AP,  24.0 CP, 24 HP
Wind Blast             F→6 =   52 AP,   0.0 CP
Sand Burst             F→6 =   52 AP,   0.0 CP
Flame Burst            F→6 =   70 AP,   0.0 CP


Total                      = 1398 AP, 109.3 CP,  7 Str, 17 Dex, 33 Int, 81 SP, 107 MP

Alchemy Mastery        8→5 =   39 AP,  15.0 CP, 20 SP, 10 MP
Flame Burst            5→1 =   90 AP,   0.0 CP
Metallurgy             4→1 =   48 AP,   6.2 CP,  7 Dex, 11 SP
Rain Casting               =  388 AP,  22.0 CP, 44 MP
Blaze                      =  410 AP,  30.1 CP,  7 Str, 33 Int, 33 MP
Frozen Blast               =  347 AP,  15.0 CP, 30 SP
Metal Conversion           =   76 AP,  21.0 CP, 10 Dex, 20 SP, 20 MP


Total                      = 1130 AP, 143.1 CP, 42 Str, 7 Dex, 37 Int, 21 HP, 20 SP, 114 MP

Evasion                F→6 =   91 AP,   0.4 CP,  4 Dex
Shock                      =  448 AP,  22.0 CP, 44 MP
Carpentry                  =  146 AP,  42.0 CP, 42 Str
Alchemy Mastery        5→1 =   51 AP,  25.0 CP, 20 SP, 10 MP
Life Drain             5→1 =  214 AP,  21.0 CP, 21 HP
Magic Mastery          5→1 =   55 AP,  27.6 CP, 13 Int, 50 MP
Party Healing          5→1 =   90 AP,   4.2 CP, 21 Int
Cooking                7→6 =   35 AP,   0.9 CP,  3 Dex,  3 Int


Total                      = 1227 AP,  44.7 CP, 61 Dex, 61 SP, 16 MP

Heat Buster                =  392 AP,  15.5 CP, 31 SP
Chain Cylinder             =  165 AP,  15.0 CP, 30 SP
Crash Shot                 =  490 AP,  11.1 CP, 31 Dex, 16 MP
Support Shot           E→1 =  180 AP,   3.1 CP, 31 Dex


Total                      = 2854 AP, 119.3 CP, 36 Str, 57 Dex, 113 Int, 19 Will, 5 SP, 86 MP

Subtotal                   =  672 AP,  47.4 CP, 36 Str, 19 Dex, 19 Will

Down Attack                =  201 AP,  17.0 CP, 17 Str 
Sword Mastery              =  157 AP,   1.9 CP, 19 Dex
Blunt Mastery              =  157 AP,  19.0 CP, 19 Str
Axe Mastery                =  157 AP,   9.5 CP, 19 Will

Subtotal                   = 1299 AP,  67.5 CP, 19 Dex, 113 Int, 86 MP

Hail Storm                 =  438 AP,  20.0 CP, 19 Dex, 33 Int, 23 MP
Bolt Composer              =  279 AP,   5.8 CP, 29 Int
Bolt Mastery               =  114 AP,  10.5 CP, 21 MP
Ice Mastery                =  156 AP,  10.4 CP, 17 Int, 14 MP
Fire Mastery               =  156 AP,  10.4 CP, 17 Int, 14 MP
Lightning Mastery          =  156 AP,  10.4 CP, 17 Int, 14 MP

Subtotal                   =  582 AP,   0.0 CP
Transmute Mastery          =   82 AP,   0.0 CP
Water Mastery              =  125 AP,   0.0 CP
Earth Mastery              =  125 AP,   0.0 CP
Fire Mastery               =  125 AP,   0.0 CP
Wind Mastery               =  125 AP,   0.0 CP

Enthralling Performance    =  301 AP,   4.4 CP, 19 Dex, 5 SP


Total                      = 1641 AP, 115.9 CP, 49 Str, 29 Dex, 10 Int, 41 Will, 5 HP, 42 SP, 31 MP

Subtotal                   =  989 AP,  73.1 CP, 49 Str, 11 Dex, 21 Will, 25 SP

Lance Mastery              =  197 AP,  19.0 CP, 19 Str
Lance Charge               =  415 AP,  31.5 CP, 21 Str, 21 Will
Lance Counter              =  255 AP,   1.1 CP, 11 Dex
Charge                 6→1 =  122 AP,  21.5 CP, 9 Str, 25 SP

Subtotal                   =  367 AP, 20.0 CP, 20 Will, 20 MP

Fire Shield            6→1 =   80 AP,  5.0 CP, 5 Will, 5 MP
Ice Shield             6→1 =   98 AP,  5.0 CP, 5 Will, 5 MP
Lightning Shield       6→1 =   90 AP,  5.0 CP, 5 Will, 5 MP
Natural Shield         6→1 =   99 AP,  5.0 CP, 5 Will, 5 MP

Subtotal                   =  201 AP, 14.0 CP, 17 SP, 11 MP

Sand Burst             6→1 =   65 AP,  0.0 CP
Wind Blast             6→1 =   55 AP,  0.0 CP
Synthesis              6→1 =   38 AP,  8.5 CP, 6 SP, 11 MP
Fragmentation          6→1 =   51 AP,  5.5 CP, 11 SP

Subtotal                   =   84 AP,  8.8 CP, 18 Dex, 10 Int, 5 HP

Handicraft             6→1 =   24 AP,  1.5 CP, 15 Dex
Taming Wild Animals    6→1 =   36 AP,  0.0 CP
First Aid              7→6 =   13 AP,  5.3 CP, 5 HP, 3 Dex
Composing              6→5 =    7 AP,  1.0 CP, 5 Int
Musical Knowledge      5→4 =    4 AP,  1.0 CP, 5 Int


Gold Strike                =  336 AP,  3.0 CP, 30 Luck


Total                      = 3054 AP, 248.9 CP, 32 Str, 34 Dex, 59 Int, 153 Will, 22 Luck, 42 HP, 107 SP, 20 MP

Subtotal                   = 1920 AP, 141.9 CP, 10 Str, 14 Dex, 153 Will, 20 HP, 38 SP

Knuckle Mastery            =  157 AP,   9.5 CP, 19 Will
Combo Mastery              =  148 AP,  32.0 CP, 10 Str, 44 Will
Charging Strike            =  122 AP,  13.5 CP, 9 Will, 18 SP
Focused Fist               =  122 AP,   4.5 CP, 9 Will
Spinning Uppercut          =  180 AP,  18.5 CP, 17 Will, 10 HP
Somersault Kick            =  180 AP,   8.5 CP, 17 Will
Drop Kick                  =  270 AP,  19.5 CP, 19 Will, 10 HP
Pummel                     =  270 AP,   9.5 CP, 19 Will
Tumble                     =  176 AP,   1.4 CP, 14 Dex
Respite                    =  295 AP,  25.0 CP, 15 HP, 20 SP

Subtotal                   = 1097 AP, 101.2 CP, 22 Str, 20 Dex, 50 Int, 22 Luck, 22 HP, 66 SP, 20 MP

Dischord                   =  120 AP, 44.0 CP, 22 Str, 22 HP
Lullaby                    =  152 AP, 11.0 CP, 22 SP
Battlefield Overture       =  130 AP, 12.0 CP, 24 SP
Harvest Song               =  154 AP,  2.2 CP, 22 Luck
Enduring Melody            =  154 AP, 10.0 CP, 20 SP
Vivace                     =  180 AP, 10.0 CP, 20 MP
March Song                 =  155 AP,  2.0 CP, 20 Dex
Composing              5→1 =   31 AP,  5.0 CP, 25 Int
Musical Knowledge      4→1 =   21 AP,  5.0 CP, 25 Int

Wine Making                =   37 AP,  5.8 CP, 9 Int, 5 Will, 3 SP


Total                      = 3795 AP, 441.0 CP, 119 Str, 146 Dex, 48 Int, 77 Will, 3 Luck, 133 HP, 186 SP, 10 MP

Subtotal                   = 1957 AP, 116.1 CP, 37 Str, 86 Dex, 10 Int, 25 Will, 30 HP, 40 SP

Control Marionette         =  148 AP,   6.4 CP, 24 Dex, 8 SP
Pierrot Marionette         =  115 AP,  11.0 CP,  5 Str, 5 Int, 5 HP
Colossus Marionette        =  115 AP,  11.0 CP,  5 Str, 5 Int, 5 HP
Puppet's Snare             =  145 AP,   5.6 CP,  6 Dex, 10 SP
Wire Pull                  =  154 AP,   6.4 CP,  4 Dex, 12 SP
Act 1: Inciting Incident   =  135 AP,   1.5 CP, 15 Dex
Act 2: Threshold Cutter    =  149 AP,  15.0 CP, 10 Str, 10 SP
Act 4: Rising Action       =  161 AP,   7.8 CP,  3 Dex, 15 Will
Act 6: Crisis              =  267 AP,   7.7 CP,  6 Str, 17 Dex
Act 7: Climactic Crash     =  282 AP,  17.8 CP, 17 Str,  8 Dex
Act 9: Invigorating Encore =  286 AP,  25.9 CP,  9 Dex, 10 Will, 20 HP

Subtotal                   = 1715 AP, 152.0 CP, 33 Str, 23 Dex, 22 Int, 17 Will, 3 Luck, 46 HP, 67 SP, 10 MP

Study: Potion Lore         =  198 AP,  20.3 CP,  3 Luck, 10 HP, 10 SP, 10 MP
Shockwave                  =  325 AP,  40.4 CP, 22 Int, 36 HP
Spider Shot                =  306 AP,  11.3 CP, 23 Dex, 20 SP
Doppelganger               =  316 AP,  32.0 CP, 23 Str, 18 SP
Berserk                    =  336 AP,  30.0 CP, 25 Str, 10 Will
Combo: Counter Punch       =  234 AP,  18.0 CP,  5 Str, 7 Will, 19 SP 

Subtotal                   = 1123 AP, 172.9 CP, 49 Str, 37 Dex, 16 Int, 35 Will, 57 HP, 79 SP

Commerce Mastery           =  336 AP,   3.0 CP, 30 Luck
Egg Gathering              =   45 AP,   1.5 CP, 15 Dex
Harvesting                 =   58 AP,   9.5 CP, 14 Will, 5 SP
Hoeing                     =   58 AP,  10.5 CP, 21 Will
Milking                    =   45 AP,   8.5 CP, 17 SP
Mining                     =   88 AP,  25.0 CP, 25 Str
Mushroom Gathering         =   45 AP,   3.2 CP, 16 Int
Sheep Shearing             =   63 AP,   2.2 CP, 22 Dex
Transformation Mastery     =  385 AP, 109.5 CP, 57 HP, 57 SP, 24 Str


Total                      = 1810 AP, 365.4 CP, 77 Str, 55 Int, 6 Luck, 186 HP, 125 SP, 105 MP

Subtotal                   = 1474 AP, 290.6 CP, 23 Str, 21 Int, 6 Luck, 186 HP, 95 SP, 80 MP

Dual Gun Mastery           =  165 AP,  52.0 CP, 1 Str, 51 HP
Reload                     =   95 AP,  48.0 CP, 3 Str, 45 HP
Flash Launcher             =  215 AP,  43.5 CP, 5 Str, 2 Int, 4 Luck, 24 HP, 28 SP
Grapple Shot               =  195 AP,  55.5 CP, 6 Str, 2 Int, 1 Luck, 34 HP, 20 SP, 10 MP
Bullet Slide               =  184 AP,  38.0 CP, 4 Str, 2 Int, 1 Luck, 15 HP, 27 SP, 10 MP
Shooting Rush              =  225 AP,  13.9 CP, 1 Str, 4 Int, 5 SP, 20 MP
Bullet Storm               =  275 AP,  19.0 CP, 3 Str, 5 Int, 5 SP, 25 MP
Way of the Gun             =  120 AP,  20.7 CP, 6 Int, 7 HP, 10 SP, 15 MP

Subtotal                   =  336 AP,  74.8 CP, 54 Str, 34 Int, 30 SP, 25 MP

Rare Mineralogy            =   95 AP,  20.0 CP, 18 Str, 10 Int
Hillwen Engineering        =   75 AP,  21.9 CP, 12 Str, 12 Int, 15 SP
Shyllien Ecology           =   88 AP,  11.0 CP, 12 Int, 25 MP
Magic Craft                =   78 AP,  21.9 CP, 12 Str, 12 Int, 15 SP


Total                      =   77 AP,   0.0 CP

Heavy Armor Mastery        =   25 AP,   0.0 CP
Light Armor Mastery        =   23 AP,   0.0 CP
Shield Mastery             =   29 AP,   0.0 CP


Total                      = 1098 AP,  20.2 CP, 86 Int, 3 Will, 3 SP

Spellwalk                  =  155 AP,   3.5 CP, 10 Int, 3 SP
Snap Cast                  =  270 AP,   3.4 CP, 17 Int
Magic Weapon Mastery       =  152 AP,   3.3 CP,  9 Int, 3 Will
Meteor Strike              =  521 AP,  10.0 CP, 50 Int


Total                      =  374 AP,    6.4 CP, 29 Dex, 5 Int, 5 Will

Encore                     =   87 AP,    0.0 CP
Fantastic Chorus           =  180 AP,    4.0 CP,  5 Dex, 5 int, 5 Will
Song                       =  207 AP,    2.4 CP, 24 Dex


Total                      = 1087 AP,   79.0 CP, 26 HP, 65 SP, 41 MP

Elemental Wave             =  375 AP,   36.5 CP, 26 HP, 21 MP
Golden Time                =  285 AP,   12.5 CP, 25 SP
Guard Cylinder Mastery     =   98 AP,   10.0 CP, 20 MP
Hydra Transmutation        =  329 AP,   20.0 CP, 40 SP

Culinary Artist

Total                      =  426 AP,  100.5 CP, 43 Dex, 21 Int, 184 SP

Cooking                6→5 =   25 AP,    0.6 CP,  2 Dex,  2 Int
Find Material              =   87 AP,    6.2 CP, 24 Dex, 19 Int
Food Mastery               =  157 AP,   47.7 CP, 17 Dex, 92 SP
Festival Food              =  157 AP,   46.0 CP, 92 SP


Total                      = 1663 AP,  392.5 CP, 174 Str, 89 Will, 174 HP

Shuriken Mastery           =  149 AP,   72.5 CP, 34 Str,  9 Will, 34 HP
Charging Shuriken          =  157 AP,   23.5 CP,  7 Str, 19 Will,  7 HP
Kunai Rush                 =  200 AP,   23.5 CP,  7 Str, 19 Will,  7 HP
Shadow Bind                =  224 AP,   34.5 CP, 15 Str,  9 Will, 15 HP
Shadow Assault             =  247 AP,   48.0 CP, 24 Str, 24 HP
Ground Snare               =  188 AP,   39.5 CP, 18 Str,  7 Will, 18 HP
Hazy Smoke Screen          =  188 AP,   39.5 CP, 18 Str,  7 Will, 18 HP
Sakura Shower              =  310 AP,  111.5 CP, 51 Str, 19 Will, 51 HP

Treasure Hunter

Total                      =  364 AP,  106.9 CP, 15 Dex, 16 Int, 25 Will, 42 Luck, 47 HP, 62 SP, 15 MP

Emergency Escape           =  112 AP,   14.0 CP, 15 Dex, 25 Will
Exploration Mastery        =  111 AP,   85.5 CP, 17 Luck, 47 HP, 62 SP, 15 MP
Relic Investigation        =  141 AP,    5.7 CP, 16 Int, 25 Luck


Total                      =  639 AP,  102.0 CP, 15 Str, 15 Dex, 15 Int, 15 Will, 75 SP, 75 MP

Shield of Trust            =  213 AP,   34.0 CP,  5 Str,  5 Dex,  5 Int,  5 Will, 25 SP, 25 MP
Celestial Spikes           =  213 AP,   34.0 CP,  5 Str,  5 Dex,  5 Int,  5 Will, 25 SP, 25 MP
Judgment Blade             =  213 AP,   34.0 CP,  5 Str,  5 Dex,  5 Int,  5 Will, 25 SP, 25 MP


Combat Power Reducing Enchants

Rank A Suffix

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Suffix, rank A Light Armor -15 Int when lvl 3+
-100 CP
Enchant Scroll (Karu Pot-Belly Spider Dungeon Reward)
Primitive Fox Armor (F/M) (Cherish Me Box)
Gothic Style Light Armor (F/M) (Magical Bingo Gachapon)
Enchant Scroll (Coill Normal Reward)

Rank 9 Suffixes

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Suffix, rank 9 Gauntlets -10 Luck if lvl 6+
-100 CP
Suffix, rank 9 Heavy Armor -10 Dex if lvl 6+
-100 CP

Rank 8 Prefixes

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Prefix, rank 8 Gloves(glitched in game) -100 CP
+2x Repair Cost
Prefix, rank 8 Headgear -100 CP
+2x Repair Cost
Prefix, rank 8 Footwear -100 CP
+2x Repair Cost

Rank 8 Suffixes

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Suffix, rank 8 Metal Footwear -5 Str if lvl 9+
-100 CP
Suffix, rank 8 Metal Helmets -5 Will if lvl 9+
-100 CP

Rank 6 Prefix

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Arc Lich's
Enchant enabled rank regardless
Prefix, rank 6 Weapons -5 Max Damage if lvl 44+
+5 Min Damage if lvl 22+
+5% Balance
+5% Critical
-250 CP

Rank 6 Suffix

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Suffix, rank 6 Shield -500 CP
+12% Repair Cost

Rank 4 Prefix

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Prefix, rank 4 Heavy Armor -500 CP
-6% Repair Cost

Rank 4 Suffix

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Suffix, rank 4 Magical Clothing -500 CP
-9% Repair Cost

Rank 3 Prefix

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Prefix, rank 3 Weapons -7 Max Damage
-7 Min Damage
+5~9% Min Injury Rate
+2~5% Critical if lvl 40+
-500 CP
+5x Repair Cost

Rank 3 Suffix

Name Enchant On Effect Item
Raccoon Cub
Suffix, rank 3 Magical Clothing -1000 CP
-3% Repair Cost


Cosmic Subskills January 2015.png