My Characters
My Human
- Server: Tarlach
- Usual Channel: 5
- GuildLeader of Distorted
- Specialties:
- Current Transformation: Dark Knight, R1!
- Married to: Trenabi
- Ego: Arianwen, Female Lightning Wand, Soc21/Incarnation
- Current Goals:
- RF Ice spear [X]
- Infra Black [X]
- R1 Lightning Bolt [X]
- Master of Lightning Bolt []
- Master of Icebolt [X]
- R5 Herbalism []
- R1 Herbalism []
- R9 Potion Making []
- R5 Potion Making []
- R1 Potion Making []
My Elf
- Server: Tarlach
- Usual Channel: 5
- Specialties:
- R5 Mirage Missile
- R5 Elf Ranged Attack
- Current Transformation: Falcon Justice, R7
- Ego: Tarrant, Male Guardian Bow
- Current Goals:
- R9 Icebolt [x]
- R5 Icebolt [x]
- R1 Icebolt []
- Master of Icebolt []
- RF Ice Spear [x]
- R9 Ice Spear []
- R5 Ice Spear []
- R1 Ice Spear []
- Master of Ice Spear []
- Falcon Wave []
- Falcon Sage []
- R9 Magic Missile []
- R5 Magic Missile []
- R1 Magic Missile []
- R5 Mirage Missile [x]
- R1 Mirage Missile []
- Master of Mirage Missile []
- R9 Ranged [x]
- R5 Ranged [x]
- R1 Ranged []
- Master of Ranged []
My Giant
- Server: Tarlach
- Specialties:
- Current Transformation: Beast
- Ego: Ryve, Male Warrior Axe
- Current Goals:
- R9 Beast []
- R5 Beast []
- R1 Beast []
- R9 Metallurgy [X]
- R6 Metallurgy [x]
- R5 Metallurgy [] (Not Implemented)
- R1 Metallurgy [] (Not Implemented)
- R9 Refining [X]
- R5 Refining []
- R1 Refining []
- Haflinger
- Name: Kynta
- Purpose: Seats 2, very first animal created
- Thunderbird
- Name: Wynstelle
- Purpose: Seats 2, Flies in Iria
- Formerly: White Cotton Ostrich
- Samoyed
- Name: Aceri
- Purpose: Can tell mimics from real chests, picks up items
- Malamute
- Name: Ranci
- Purpose: Sledding on snow (including in Sidhe Sneachta)
- Formerly: Yellow Jindo
- Silver Fox
- Name: Ripple
- Purpose: None really, it's part of a matched set with my wife and a former roommate
- White Hedgehog
- Name: Shymmyr
- Purpose: Limited time pet, boosts power when in party w/ Black Hedgehog, part of a set
- Black Hedgehog
- Name: Shutter
- Purpose: Limited time pet, boosts power when in party w/ White Hedgehog, part of a set
- Holiday Mini Bear
- Name: Snugglie
- Purpose: Limited time pet, very strong fighter
- Clover Gnu
- Name: Greenhorn
- Purpose: For herbalism and potionmaking
- Formerly: Herb Pig
- Siamese
- Name: Teveryn
- Purpose: Transforms with Dark Knight transformation
- Antique Mimic
- Name: Amery
- Purpose: Lots of space!
- Flyingstar
- Name: Faramond
- Purpose: Limited Time Broom, one-seater
My "Job" Here
In General
I'd like to contribute to the Wiki by helping to "fill in the blanks" and to do minor editing of grammar and spelling.
Specific Projects
Lightning Bolt - Ego casting vs chaincasting - mana loss at max charge?
Magic Shields - block an attack w/ multiple shields - testing/clarification
Abbreviations/Glossary - Ongoing...
Magic Shields
Tested out just a few moments ago. My wife and I tested it out in Math Dungeon on Kobold Archers. Isolated one, fell back, casted both shields up. She had been aggroed by the archer, it set up a magnum, and shot her. She got the training for it. I got no training.
So when it says "Shield attacks with more than one _____ magic shield", it literally means, "block attacks with more than one overlapping shield."
- Whoever gets hit gets the training.
- The other person gets no training.
Questions that still need answering:
- Do both members have to be in party?
- By how much is damage reduced due to two overlapping shields? (May not be able to directly measure this easily)
Soon to be tested used a method proposed by Sozen
People on the Wiki I have met In-game
My Contributions
I am usually on the Wiki when I'm at work, cause yeah, I'm a contributing member to society as a whole as well!
If anyone would like to discuss anything with me, please comment my Discussion page or you can contact me while at work in AIM, sn:Demaetri.
Quicklinks For My Reference
Equipment Combination Effects
List of Pets
Enchanting Sequences
List of Enchants
Ice Magic Shield Experiment
Selected Upgrades