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Portrait of VayneFile:Vayne.png
Race Human
Gender Male
Track A Night of Grinning Madness
The Fomors are no friends of mine, that I can assure you. I swear it on the name of my god, Hymerark.


—Vayne, Generation 22


A tall man stands steadfast, clad in blackened armor that seems as though it could melt into the darkness. His onyx hair frames the stately lines of his face, nearly covering his right eye. Although he seems difficult to read, you can see a quiet conviction set in his visage.

Vayne is a strange man met by with the Expeditionary force during the events of Generation 22. He is a seasoned adventurer, and a follower of the Church of Hymerark. He appears to know more than he is willing to admit out loud.

Mainstream Story

Battle Information


  • This NPC cannot be interacted with Keywords.



Track Title
A Night of Grinning Madness
Cutscenes involving Vayne
Howling Cursed Eye of Death
Vayne's battle theme


  • His Track title used to be translated as 'Hysterical Night'
    • A RP mission with Vayne bears the same name in Generation 22.

