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Talk:Succubus (Family)mini

From Mabinogi World Wiki

it says sucsessfull counter removes clothes. does that mean she looses clothes when u counter her or u lose clothes when she counters u?

The succubus loses her clothes (it's only visual; it's not an item drop or anything) when you hit her with your counter skill --- Angevon 13:53, 24 May 2008 (PDT)

ok, so whathappens when she runs out of clothes?Sozen Cratos Focker 20:20, 2 July 2008 (PDT)

Then no more clothes will fall off Fifty 21:05, 2 July 2008 (PDT)
At what stage is this exactly o_0Novaix 08:06, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
at the stage where the only visible piece of equipment left is her sword(underwear and wings are part of the character design, bot equips)--Sozen Cratos Focker 03:45, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

Unlimited Pass?

What is a unlimited pass? --Kevin 01:13, 25 October 2008 (UTC)

8 players. Not limited to 2/3 ---Angevon

Collection Books?

What is the function of these Succubus Dress Collection Books books? Alicia Jewel 19:31, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

I believe they give you the Succubus clothing if I'm correct. My friend told me that you would be able to get them sometime as player clothing. Hakumei 10:25 AM PST, January 31st, 2009

What are the diffrences between the two books? - A Random User 04:02, 29 September 2009 (UTC)

AI Change?

When my friend was trying to "flirt" with the Succubi, she randomly attacked him. He was NOT in combat mode or anything, and kept talking to her. Anyways, the Succubi attacked my friend and "stripped" him. Does this mean they changed the Succubus's AI? Shadowboy132

If the Succubus doesn't respond for a while say something else. You have to type comprehensibly (can't say u instead of you, r instead of are), it has to make sense, and the Succubus WILL attack at any given time. When the Succubus says "I'm coming closer." that's your cue to distance yourself and start attacking, otherwise you'll be facing the sharp end of a sword. Also it should go without saying if she charges a skill it's not going to end well if you're standing around. Smilies can be used, and the Succubus does have some form of identifying sentences it seems, so you can actually hold a conversation as if you were really flirting with someone online. Also, when the Succubus says "..." continue talking. That means she's waiting for something.
Example of a short exchange that went between me and the Succubus once:
Succubus: Who are you?
Me: Homare.
Succubus: Why did you come here?
Me: To see you =)
Succubus: =)
Me: =)
Succubus: I'm coming closer.
Succubus: You're very cute.
Me: Thank you.
Me: You're cute too.
Succubus: What are you thinking about?
Me: You.
Succubus: 1+N Combo, me=dead
--GN54 06:51, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Errr, by "stripped" him do you simply mean she attacked him? Also when she said "I'm coming closer" in your chat, I seem to notice no mention of your death. Was that because you took the hit?Novaix 08:06, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
My friend wanted to make a youtube video in response of my video on killing Succubus. Anyways its kinda hard to see it but... by stripping, he died and his clothes fell off. And by "i took the hit", i wasnt there (both on different servers lol). ~ Shadowboy132

And for the video:

Black Succubus Top


I'm guessing for Nao, since I can't wear it??? -- Ladywinter 08:22, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

Succubus collection book --Kevin 09:10, 16 March 2009 (UTC)
But, Nao in that = HOT? Lol. --Kevin 09:11, 16 March 2009 (UTC)
Then just get the dress from Rua. I actually don't prefer that one, I like the Santa Suit more.

That "top" is the blouse, which is suppose to be put into the collection book.

Black Succubus didnt drop?

Not long ago I ran rabbie adv for 2, and tried to get the succubi to drop their clothes for the book. Yellow died before I could crit it, but black I did it just right. Critical counter, then fireball (it critted too I might add)... yet it didnt drop. Anyone know what couldda happened?

Just tried again and it happened drop. Also while Im on this subject has ANYONE landed a successful critical LB on the yellow succubus? Even with 75% crit Ive yet to land even 1 crit on her in 6 battles against yellow succubus...all I use is LB and she dies before even 1 crit is landed.

You need to Firebolt the black one, not Fireball. Second, the limit to crit is only 30%. Even with 75%, the Yellow Succubus may have a larger defense rate to cancel out more of that percentage. --Kaillera 23:35, 25 March 2009 (UTC)

Ok I understand that with the yellow, but if you need to bolt the black one why did the wiki say fireball? (I know it doesnt now)

False information is unfortunately common in wikipedias... --Dysprosium 16:13, 26 March 2009 (UTC)

Actually, I think maybe it was fireball, I just noticed it said only the solo on the unlimited pass drops stuff. I tried crit counter and firebolt, got the top from the counter, but nothing from the fire. I'll try it again in another run with the fireball.

Well that's just silly. Why would they make you do counter THEN fireball while soloing? Also, when stripping adv succubi, do you have to do the skills right after each other? Or once you get one in you can use skills in between that and the second?

You have to do it right after each other.

this may be an actual use for succubus flirting. for the normal succubus, if you flirt for a wile, she usually runs up and smacks you, and then returns to flirting if you leave combat mode right away. perhaps you are supposed to flirt with the succubus with counter loaded, and then after she hits you, you continue to flirt to keep her from aggroing you while you load fireball.--Sozen Cratos Focker 06:12, 17 June 2009 (UTC)
All flirting does is slow down aggro. Once she's actually aggroed you it won't do much good.--Mystickskye 06:47, 17 June 2009 (UTC)
and until she agros, flirting works fine.

Red Succubus Top/Bottom

Crit smash > Then Thunder

Result was her clothing dropped.

Red dress1.jpg

Kristell and flirting

I was wondering do we really need to include kristell at all, since she's exactly like a regular black succubus? Secondly, is there any possible gain to flirting with a succubus, or is it purely for enjoyment. Finally, can you still flirt with them in playing dead?Novaix 03:34, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

she's exactly like a regular sucubus, but she is not a regular sucubus
possible gain:none that we know of so far
i'l test the playing dead thing the next time i do rabie.
--Sozen Cratos Focker 03:52, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

So will I. Plus it'd be easier to find a gain using playing dead. I'll be running it anyway for thunder page 4, maybe she'll give it to me :)Novaix 07:14, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

Kristell is just a spoiler to this. People just use "flirting" for enjoyment. Finally, Playing Dead will just cause her to drop aggro. You could still flirt but she will think your dead later on. ~Shadowboy132


I feel this page (well, the "basic info" section more than anything else) is getting a bit long and cluttered. A lot of the trivia doesn't need to be displayed as prominently as it is so I propose a small debate on which bits should be removed.

The following is what I elect to be removed along with reasons why:

  • The very first bit saying how succubi only appear in rabbie normal. It's technically incorrect and the subsequent pieces can be better written.
  • "Flirting" section. There is nothing to be gained from doing so. All it does is slow the rate at which the aggro for the Succubus rises and thus prevent the Succubus from aggroing you for a limited amount of time. The fact that you're going to kill her anyway makes it particularly worthless.
  • The notes on n+1, passive defenses and defenses stats as well as how all of them have the primary bolt spells.
    • The note on n+1 is actually somewhat debatable. Given how the game works we should either just list each of them as having a four hit combo in each Succubus' stat table with a small note in the basic info and then remove the n+1 in each individual table or retain the note in each table and remove it from the basic info. I propose something similar to the former.
    • The note on passive defense level and primary bolt spells I think should be removed completely. It's redundant and repetitive and it just adds to the wall of text.
  • The note on features doesn't seem worth mentioning to me. Explain to me how it affects the gameplay if you want it to stay.
  • Tactics for fighting the Succubi shouldn't be listed here persay but be replaced with a link to succubus-specific fighting tactics (not to mention that I don't think Fire-Ice-Counter is worth spit against monsters with MR2 or higher). ->
  • The note regarding the Succubi eligible for the Succubus Clothing Collection book (which should be linked) should be trimmed and clarified.

My main underlying reason for requesting this trim is due to the underlying fundamental purpose of the wiki. Some users see it as a repository of any knowledge but to me it's a repository of useful knowledge. The repetition of various information seems mostly pointless and to me primarily serves to increase what users have to go through. The wiki should be a useful guide for old and new users alike and having a large wall of increasingly redundant text just strikes me as making it somewhat inaccessible and inefficient. To this end I've actually been asking complete outsiders to read sample pages from the wiki to see how they find it. Pages like this one tend to confuse most outsiders I've asked and I'd imagine it'd be the same even for players needing to read up on a given subject.

So yes, let's have a chat on how improve this page a bit. If you're against any of my proposals above then please give good reason holding that view. I'm sure we all like to think we're helping contribute to this wiki so to actually discuss this we're going to need to be able to explain why.--Mystickskye 04:37, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

Summary please. --Kevin Talk«) 04:39, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
The battle tactics could easily be reduced to a link to the forgotten Monster_Battle_Tactics page. Oh wait, you already said that. Dumb me. ---Angevon 04:40, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
Summary - "Let's make this page better. We can start by cutting out what's crap." Details of "crap" is above in bullet points.--Mystickskye 04:48, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
I'm going to wait a couple more days on discussion. If no one brings anything worthwhile up after that then I'm going to take it that no one minds and proceed on editing it in the way mentioned above.--Mystickskye 01:42, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
Yes, we can remove the flirting bit, and change the conditions to say "Succubi in Rabbie Normal and Basic only appear if you solo.", while keeping the bit about the Advanced for 8 pass there. I think leaving in the N+1 note is acceptable, since when I get 3 hitted by a succubus, it gives the same animation as a human doing 3 hits with a longsword. We should keep the bolt note, since it's true and we don't have to scroll down through it looking for what has what. The PD note can be scrapped, as some of the Advanced Succubi having lv3 PDs. The features note I feel can stay, because usually different appearances mean different stats, even if they have the same name. The last 2 points I agree with. --GN54 00:00, 20 May 2009 (UTC)
maybe we could moove the info about flirting and loss of clothing to the bottom and call that section "trivia" or "easter eggs"--Sozen Cratos Focker 03:04, 20 May 2009 (UTC)
I'm somewhat open to this suggestion except for the fact that it's really not very notable and has no effect on gameplay except for the Advanced Succubi which I'm all for keeping in the basic info section. If you really do feel that a trivia section is warranted then please put it at the very bottom AFTER everything else.--Mystickskye 06:43, 20 May 2009 (UTC)
My main point on the n+1 is that it's mentioned in the extra info section of every single succubi as well as the basic info section. It should be one or the other, not both. I'm still against the bolts being brought up in basic info as again, it's brought up in every single data table for every single succubus. I would say have one or the other but as it's an integral part of the data tables it leads me to believe that it should be removed from the basic info section. For now I'll work on the pieces we've agreed on and leave discussion open on the contended points.--Mystickskye 06:43, 20 May 2009 (UTC)
Well, with the N+1 and bolts I say leave them in the basic info. Remove the N+1 on the extra info sections, but leave the bolts in both places. As I've said before, it's much easier to just look at basic info and see that they all have bolts, and as you said it's an integral part of the data tables. So if we leave the bolt info alone, it's both helpful and following form at the same time. --GN54 03:30, 22 May 2009 (UTC)
My underlying issue regarding the bolts though is an issue of consistency. Are we going to mention everything that all Succubi share? Are we going to do so for all monster types? Is it really worth repeating ourselves across the board? I mean, it's just a bad personal habit of mine but I'm big on efficiency so repeated info is admittedly a sore point for me. We can argue back and forth over the virtues of having the information there but I think the above point is the biggest thing for me at this moment. I'll deign to keep the Succubi features there (with a note that there is no difference despite apperances) and add the other changes.--Mystickskye 00:30, 23 May 2009 (UTC)

Pending Update

I have successfully completed all 4 collection books on the Tarlach server, proof is posted here:

Below are some of the things I found out while attempting this. I'd like to list them here first for discussion before I merge them into the main page.

  • Yellow Succubus has Thunder, although she only tries to use it very rarely.
  • Some of the currently listed protection values are wrong, does anyone know how they were obtained? I know that heavy stander and mana refracter probably factor into the damage reduction I'm seeing, but even taking that into account the numbers seem off. I'll be trying to get more precise numbers this week.
  • The monster ensemble effect that the Succubi have on each other adds protection to all the succubi. Pink Succubus has roughly 90-95 protection while this is active, making a firebolt crit more or less impossible. Defeating Red Succubus seems to be the quickest way to end the ensemble. It seems to drop their protection by about 20.
  • Assuming zero defense, White Succubus has roughly 75 protection when hit with a physical attack. However, it is impossible to crit her with firebolt even if you have 158 magic crit (using a wand). I highly suspect her mana refractor adds protection. It was possible to firebolt crit her with 173+ crit though. It is also likely that I was just very unlucky when doing the 158 crit trials, but having over 170 crit consistently proved easiest.
  • Black Succubus does indeed have to be hit with Fireball crits, not Firebolt.
  • Yellow succubus will drop her instrument if crit countered. It doesn't seem to happen all the time though.
  • Like Siren_(Monster), succubi must be in combat mode before they will drop anything. If you crit them before they aggro you they don't drop anything. Also, killing them with a crit will also drop nothing.
  • I've noticed that aside from Yellow Succubus, none of the other adv. succubi will drop their clothes as items unless the dungeon is Rabbie Advance unlimited. They do however still lose their clothing. Can anyone verify?
  • White Succubus seems to attack more often once all the other Succubi have been defeated, possibly because her healing AI acquires no targets. This makes getting the healing wand to drop much easier since she has to be crit countered.
  • The most efficient order of clothing acquisition is: Red Succubus, Black Succubus, Yellow Succubus, Pink Succubus, then White Succubus.
  • The order of attacks that causes each Succubus to drop her clothing actually varies slightly from run to run. For example: sometimes you have to critical Smash first and then critical firebolt White Succubus, but other times you might have to critical Firebolt and then critical Smash. The only way to know seems to be to try it.
  • The succubi that drop shoulder pads will not always spawn with them, which means they won't drop them during that run. However, boots and tops always seem to spawn.
  • The completed collection books give Succubus Banner Stands, NOT Succubus gear. They are pictures of the Black Succubus to put in your house.

--Biomass 11:47, 14 January 2010 (UTC)

Milfeulle of Mari Server got the whole banner set December 2009 so we had some information regarding this, however your information is very much detailed and congratulations on your banner collection. About the Advance for eight, yes.... only Succubi that appears on Advance for 8 solo will drop their clothes for collection, though I think somewhere on the wiki it said that? I'm not sure about protection but if you feel the need to edit the wiki, feel free too. --Miyuna 14:35, 14 January 2010 (UTC)
Dec 2009? His posts on the nexon forums implied that he had done it much sooner (or modded his client months ago to show the banners so he could get screenshots for us). Either way, he's more than likely using info from foreign mabi's and he hasn't bothered to update things here. The reason I feel protection needs to be accurate is because it directly affects how hard someone who is attempting this quest has to work.--Biomass 21:21, 14 January 2010 (UTC)

Chat AI

Does the succubus have any AI? I haven't faced it myself, but on the videos it seems to say the same lines over and over again. Also after completing the RP when the players faces Kristell I wonder how would a succubus respond to something like "May I pass?" —Preceding unsigned comment added by ShinzuiUindo (talkcontribs) . Please always sign your comments with the Signature.png button or by typing ~~~~!

Instinctive Reaction

To whom this may concern: The Black Succubus does not have Instinctive Reaction, please stop putting this down, I have faced her about 20+~ times, she hasn't responded to my smash unless she has been charging at me, she is actually very easy to smash due to her passive nature.--Neouu84 9:08, 13 March 2010

Instinctive Reaction: "Almost every monster has it, but only a handful of monsters possess a high enough rank Instinctive Reaction to be easily noticed." I was unlucky enough to encounter her using Instinctive Reaction which killed me, but if you insist on removing it then so be it. --Δκυmσ - ταłκ 15:24, 13 March 2010 (UTC)
Race.xml says it's rank B.--Sozen Cratos Focker 23:37, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
What this means to you, neouu84, is that you must knock succubus down or have someone else (a pet smash/firebolt maybe) knock her down and then try to smash her yourself while she is on the ground. You should find it quite difficult to do so.--Hengsheng120·TALKCONTRIBS 00:50, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

Magic Music Taming

I just attempted to use Magic Music taming on the black succubus and she wasn't selectable. Is it because my char is female? o_O What gives. Health 08:12, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

reccomended animal taming rank and cane/bait combos

what taming rank and cane/bait combos would be reccomended to do this if you want to tame her with taming, instead of magic music and CoD--Dtdsora- no page as of yet- u can make it urself 17:41, 10 August 2010 (UTC)

I always figured the typical answer to this would be "the best you can get your hands on". Normal<Ancient<Tikka for canes. As for bait any of the higher baits are fine. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Tellos (talkcontribs) . Please always sign your comments with the Signature.png button or by typing ~~~~!


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Cutscene?023:38, 3 January 2012
Lance Counter + Black Succubus = Stripped?000:46, 7 June 2011
Vindicated Succubi = Pure Evil018:44, 3 March 2011

I looked in cutscene.english.txt and it seems like the Succubi had a cutscene.

Did she really have one before, and if she did, why did they remove it?

Infodude57523:14, 3 January 2012

Lance Counter + Black Succubus = Stripped?

Anyone wanna confirm if the "stripping" also happens with the Lance Counter, too?

Infodude57500:46, 7 June 2011

Vindicated Succubi = Pure Evil

Destroyed a Paladin and a Giant... They looked so fearful...

Infodude57518:44, 3 March 2011